Chapter 6~ The happiness in me is you

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Wow, hey sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I was just going through a " I don't really know what to write ughhhh" kind of thing >_< Forgive me loves and thank you for any support, even if you just read and don't do anything else, thank you c:

To say that the moment our lips met was amazing, would be a severe understatement. Words really cannot even begin to describe.

Anyways, that wasn't the only thing that was exceptionally 'amazing' that happened that night. I swear, Rebekah never ceases to amaze me. She somehow got together with Austin Carlile. I mean, no. Austin literally fell head-over-heels for her the instant he laid eyes on her. Now that I think about it..WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH THESE FRONT MEN?

Speaking of Austin and Rebekah, I wonder what they're doing right now. No doubt they are hanging around somewhere being all 'lovey dovey'.

What is Oli doing right about now? I haven't bothered to text him all morning. All I managed to do was sit here in my bed and think. How considerate of me.



And more thoughts.

All I ever do is think, really. I also like to over think. Yeah, that too.

I roll out of bed, groaning as my bare feet hit the ice cold floor. There was no question that it was winter. It wasn't just the floor but the air around me was crisp and chilling. My apartment was always cold because the damn people that own this place can't buy more oil for the heat. This place is a real shit hole. Why do I live here then? Because when you get paid shit, you tend to live in a place with such quality. That's just how it goes.

The urge to eat something is stronger than the urge to shower, so I lazily walk down the hall to my small kitchen. I really don't feel like being creative this morning, so I reach into the cabinet above my stove and get a poptart. This will have to do. As I open the package and begin to eat my 'breakfast', I again remember how I still didn't text or call Oli. So before I finished my poptart, I decided to call him.

I find his name on my phone and click on it and the familiar ringing sound came to my ear. Then on the second ring he picked up.

"Hi love." He said without even saying hello, which was what normal people would do. It's okay though his accent made it adorable as hell.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Oh, nothing really.." I can practically hear him smile on the other end, "umm hey, would you like to go out tonight?" Thank God he asked, I had no life besides this hell hole I call a home. Plus, I was too shy to ask myself.

"Sure! Where to?"

I heard him chuckle a little until he said, "it's a surprise." Dammit Oliver, you're so mischievous.

I laughed, "okay then Oliver, when will you come get me?"

"Around 5:30.. and you might want to be a bit dressy."

Oh no, getting dressy wasn't my thing. "Okie, will do, see you then?"

"Yep, bye love." Again, I could almost hear him smile on the other end.

"Bye, darling." I hung up.


Truth was, I really don't get dressy. Maybe a nice shirt once in awhile or an occasional skirt but other than that, it was just skinny jeans and random tops. But thankfully, I still have the little black dress I wore to my grandmother's funeral. Which I guess I will have to wear tonight.

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