Chapter 22~ Don't go, I can't do this on my own

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Title creds go to BMTH c:

This chapter is dedicated to the amazing @heidiinacoffin for being such a lovely person :3 I love your comments, they make me more than happy.

{{ last chapter }}

Oli's POV

The past few days in the hospital came out better than expected, for Cheyenne that is. Cheyenne was getting better and better. And soon, she wouldn't need to be in here anymore. She was doing better than everyone thought she would. And she'll probably be able to leave before I can.

I, on the other hand, was alive, yes, but in the most pain I have ever felt in my entire life. I told the doctors and nurses about it and they started checking on me more. I guess to try and find the cause of my growing pain. They keep telling me it will be fine and it will be okay. But, in reality, they're scared. Scared that they don't know what to do. Scared that they will never find the solution.

I also was keeping the great pain I felt from Cheyenne because I didn't want her to get stressed about my well being. She has enough to handle now as it is. She knew I was feeling pain but not on the high levels in which I really felt it. I just keep telling myself that it will be okay. I'll be fine. This machine I'm connected to now will keep me that way. 

"Oli?" Cheyenne broke into my heavy thinking. She turned her head to me from her bed.

"Yeah?" I replied back, slightly dazed. I still had my eyes fixed on the ceiling above me.

"We're both getting out of here. We're both going to go back to the life we started together. We're both going to be happy and carry on with our lives. Okay?"

I waited for a moment. Not because I didn't have the answer but because of her wording. She sounded like she was unsure of things. If I would really live or not.

"Okay, but why do you sound like- like you aren't sure we will both make it out of here?" I turned my head to her.

"Oliver, did you really think hiding all the pain you felt would work? I can hear you whisper to the nurses and doctors. I can see the pain in your eyes. And don't you know by now that I can read you?" Well dammit. Sometimes I wish she just didn't have such an ability. It was kind of unfair. But really, if she knew about it and felt super anxious about it, she would have said something..instead of sitting there without taking action. She's only saying it now because she knows that I feel like I won't make it.

"You're so unfair you know?" I said with a deep sigh.

She giggled softly, "how so?"

"Because you know it all. You see right through me. No matter how hard I try to hide feelings and things of the such, you always find them. And you know, I only hide things from you because I want to protect you," I explained, looking into her calm eyes.

She looked at the ceiling for a moment, then turned back to me, "I love you, Oliver Scott Sykes. With all my heart, I do. And even all the bad shit that has happened to us..that means nothing to me. Because I have you. You're here, alive with me. That's all that really matters." Her eyes teared, but she quickly blinked the incoming droplets back to which they came. She smiled weakly.

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