Chapter 2~Warped Tour • Arrival

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As we stepped out of her black Honda, we were greeted instantly with loud chatter and bands either tunning up or practicing songs. I for one didn't mind the noise at all and I'm pretty sure she didn't either.

Not being able to stand the pace at which we were moving at, I grabbed my friend's hand and began to run with her to where our tickets designated us.

"Hurry! I want to get to our first band super early so no annoying people get in the way of our view!" I yelled as if she were miles away from me. I had to because of how loud it already was there. Without protest, she simply nodded and mouthed an "okay".


Bring Me The Horizon's set was finally about to begin. This was the last band we scheduled to see tonight. Rebekah was close to me, bobbing up and down with anticipation. "Close" isn't good enough actually. Being knitted together was more of a proper use. It was almost impossible to breathe but that didn't matter. I was too caught up in the happiness I felt to care.

Finally, after waiting by the front barricades for almost 20 minutes, the band filed out one by one onto the stage. Oliver grabbed the mic and began talking out to the crowd.

"Hello everyone! How are we all tonight?" Oli asked with enthusiasm. The crowd roared at the question, interpreting a positive response.

"Good! Now let's get this fucking show started, shall we?" The crowd again roared with excitement.

Oli then began pacing around the stage and stated, "this is Antivist!" The crowd again had a heart attack and the band began to play.

As he went through the song, I threw both my hands up making "rock on" signs and punching the air. Rebekah did the same.

"Middle fingers up, If you don't give a fuck!" He screamed, beginning to head bang.

The band then played Sleep With One Eye Open,  Shadow Moses, It Never Ends, Diamonds Aren't Forever, and then Hospital For Souls (which was my personal favorite).

The mosh pit was getting a little rougher and I almost lost Rebekah in my focus on Oli. The way he screamed, his little hand motions as he sung out each song. Adorable yet sexy at the same time. I was snapped out of it when Rebekah fell next to me, obviously being pushed down. I helped her up, both of us laughing. Then Oli began to speak normally once again.

"This song, my people, is what made us somewhat a little more famous than I guess we already were. This song is Can You Feel My Heart!" He gave a big smile and the band began to play a little. "This is the last song of the night so let's go out with a fucking bang!" He yelled a little louder at the end of his sentence, causing the sea of people surrounding me to scream. He then came up to the edge of the stage and kneeled down, causing people to climb overtop of Rebekah and I just to touch him. He started grabbing a few hands then stood back up.

"Can you save my bastard soul? Will you wait for me?" He sang with such passion. Then, while singing the next lines, he began to really scan the crowd. As if looking for something. Then that's when it happened.

Our eyes met. Instead of him pulling away from the contact, he kept looking. Now our eyes were almost glued, in a way. His eyes burned into mine. His eyes that were once glowing with excitement now looked at me with want and need. Even curiosity, it seemed. I couldn't help but absorb it. While I melted into his gorgeous hazel eyes, the world around me became a haze and muted itself. I was totally unaware of my surroundings, he was hypnotizing me.

Then, suddenly I was rammed into by some bitch trying to get closer to the stage, breaking our connection. And when I looked back to see if he was still looking, he was on the other side of the stage. No matter, I found who pushed me and practically slammed her onto the ground.

I then turned to Rebekah who was totally into the song and didn't even notice me looking at her. I was so caught up in what all just happened, I forgot to pay attention to the last part of the song.


We waited a little before even trying to leave the pit. There were so many people we decided just to let them clear out. Then we would leave and maybe go to a meet and greet. I thought about telling Rebekah what just happened, but then decided to keep it to myself. I mean, It did sound a little childish anyways. I dismissed the thought and began talking to her without mentioning it.

"I bet you didn't even like it.." I said in a sarcastic manner. Which won me a slap on the arm and a cold look.

"Don't fuck around!" she then laughed and I laughed along with her. We did shit like this just to get on each others nerves. It was all okay, we both knew in the end it was just stupidity.

By now it had to be like 9pm at least, if not later. And Warped technically ends around this time.

Out of nowhere, a rather chubby hand grabs my shoulder and spins me around to face whoever it was. As I spun towards them, my eyes met a security guard. I thought to myself, shit, I really hope it isn't something serious. Or something that could ruin our great day. To my surprise, he spoke with urgency, "Mr. Sykes would like you to meet him at his band bus, now."

I was shocked and paralyzed from the words that just entered my ears. Was this real? I turned to Rebekah and she shrugged then urged me to go ahead and that she would wait for me by the car. Which was close to all the the food, which she was planning to get some of.

Then I turned back to the security guard and asked, "you mean, O-Oli Sykes?" I managed to say. He nodded with a positive but stern face then gently took my arm, "come with me ma'am."

My heart began beating rapidly in my chest, and my face started to feel hot. Why does he wan't to see me?


whewwww, another chapter! Things are getting interesting c;

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