Chapter 21~ These familiar white walls

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Idk but sorry it took so long ilysm

My eyes weakly opened to the blinding light surrounding me. As my eyes adjusted to the light and my surroundings. I noticed that I was in a hospital room. I guess I didn't die. I wish I did though. The pain in my chest is unbearable, I can barley breathe. I'm sure death would feel a whole lot better than how I feel right now.

Where's Oliver? The realization hit me that Oliver did in fact get shot. Just as I did. Here I am talking about dying and he could be dead right now. Panic started to fill my weak body and I began to tremble. I was so scared. Scared that he left me. Dead. Gone. Forever.

Just as my panicking began to get worse, a nurse walked in, "ma'am? Are you okay? Please calm down." She put one of her hands on my chest gingerly. How could I calm down? I shifted under her hand uncomfortably. I wanted to call for him. Maybe he would hear me. I hope he could.

I found my voice, "O-Oliver," I said weakly at first then I got stronger but still hoarse at the same time, "Oliver!" The nurse backed up, startled at my sudden loud voice.

Just as she backed away from me I heard a faint voice. Such an angelic voice. One that I know and love dearly, Oliver's. As soon as I heard his faint sound the nurse pulled back a curtain that was next to my bed. Behind the curtain revealed a pale faced Oliver laying in a hospital bed. His once bright and lively colored tattoos were now faded and dead. His eyes lacked the heavenly glow that they always seemed to have. The sight broke my heart. I wanted to cry but the tears wouldn't come. My body was too weak to produce any.

"Hi, baby," he said hoarsely and tried to make a smile. I could tell he was having trouble doing so.

"Oh Oliver, I thought you left me," I replied back just as hoarsely.

"No, I wouldn't leave you. I couldn't leave you-"

The nurse interjected, "that's right! He will be alive as long as he is attached into this thing here," she gestured to some computer thing that had Oliver's pulse and information on it. "Just as long as him and the monitor are connected he will be fine. This will only last until you are stable enough to get off of it," she stopped quickly and caught her breath. " Luckily the police and the ambulance got there before you both lost too much blood." I guess my call for help really did go through. 

"Okay thank you, can we be alone now please?" Oops, I didn't mean to sound so short with her. The information was nice but all I really wanted to do was be alone with Oliver.

She nodded her head politely, "you will have visitors in about an hour," with that she left. I already know who the visitors are. The rest of BMTH, Rebekah, Austin and possibly the other members of OM&M. At least I have an hour till all of that. Right now I have Oliver. He's all I really ever want and need.

"Where did you get shot?" I didn't really know since right after he got shot I did and blacked out.

He pulled down his white gown to show a nasty looking scar with fresh stitches on the right side of his chest, "right here." I had the powerful urge to just run to him and hug him and comfort him. I looked at all the wires attached to my body and began to pluck them off one by one.

"Wait, Cheyenne! What are you doing?" He tried to raise his voice alarmingly but it was too hard for him. I ignored him and kept removing the wires. The nurse didn't say that I had to be attached to anything to survive. So why worry? I also ignored the pain racing up to my chest as I sat up and carefully swung my legs to the side of the bed. Oliver watched me with wide eyes as I slowly rose up from my hospital bed. The cold hospital floor made the pain I was trying to ignore enhance but I kept moving. I took shaky, careful steps to Oli's bed that was only a few feet from mine.

I finally reached his bed and not intentionally, collapsed onto him. So much for the comfort.

Oli's POV

She collapsed onto me with all of her weight making me groan in pain.

"Fuck, I'm sorry Oliver," she looked up at me from her sprawled position on top of me.

"It's okay just..c'mere," I grabbed her tiny waist gently and pulled her up next to me and she rested her head under my chin. Thankfully, the bed was big enough for us to do this.

We laid there silently, breathing. It was the best type of silence there was.Talking was a lot of work I must admit. We both know it is. I'm surprised she could even make it all the way over to my bed. She was a strong person.

Cheyenne carefully broke our silence, "I love you," every time she said it it would make me feel warm inside. Even at times like these when warmth seemed so far away from ever being felt.

"I love you too," I said into the top of her hair which, somehow still smelled like apples. I planted a kiss on her head and then attempted to close my eyes. I felt so at peace that I felt comfortable with sleeping. Before I could even close my eyes halfway, the door to our hospital room opened.

"Che-Cheyenne!" Rebekah's voice screamed through the doorway. Well, I guess our lovely moment wasn't meant to last long. Cheyenne stirred under my arm that I had wrapped around her.

"Rebekah," she trailed off.

I watched as Austin followed Rebekah in, along with the rest of my band.

Rebekah went to Cheyenne and began talking to her, asking her if she was okay and such. I wasn't really paying attention because Austin and the rest of the guys came to my side of the bed.

"Hey man, are you feeling alright?" Austin asked me while taking one of the two seats that were next to the bed.

"In all honesty, not really. I feel like shit to put that in better words," I replied while looking at him then the others.

Austin gave a sorry smile, "but you're going to live, Oliver." The rest of the guys flashed a small smile.

Nicholls piped up, "yeah mate, we're glad you're still here." I tried to offer him a smile but it may it may or may not have worked. I couldn't really feel my face for some reason. The all started to giggle at my attempt to smile.

"You all are fuckin' wankers."

That for some reason made them laugh harder which started to make me laugh slightly. I couldn't really laugh so that probably looked like a poor attempt too. Then Cheyenne turned from Rebekah, facing me then the rest of the guys.

"What's so funny?" She said in a clueless way. Rebekah also looked at us confused. 

Austin answered for us, "nothing. Don't worry about it," he had some weird smile spread across his face. I was feeling a little better now. I don't know how. Maybe it was because everyone was here or maybe he fact that Cheyenne was alive and everything seemed to be okay. I just hoped that this would last.


Sorry it was so short, forgive me. The story is about at it's end so yeahh /-\

Btw, *flips table* (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻  600 reads?!?! AHHHH

Thank you all who reads mah shit ily all <3

Comment or whatever's clever

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