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"I will be fine mum" I smiled hugging her one last time

"Behave" she warned

"Marie will be with me" I shrugged. Liar. Im actually not staying with my sister Marie. Instead I will be staying with my best friend Connie while Marie will be with her best friend ruby. Yes, I know. Lying to your parents is wrong. Inside, im ripping my head off because im lying to the person who I had popped out of from her vagina.

"Rose" she said suspiciously with one eyebrow up

I have been caught

Avoid eye contact and EXIT MISSION

"Yesss " I innocently smiled

"Did you pack pads?" She asked

Phew Back on track

"Mum" I mumbled "people are around"

"Oh its not my fault that you are a woman" she huffed

"Its your fault that im even a person" I scoffed


After a good few minutes of saying goodbye, I left with Connie who was picking me up since I cant drive for-

Beep beep

"Does she know?"

"I think I gave it away when I said that for breakfast I would have cheesy feet" I said as I jumped in connies car

"I got news for you" Connie said

"Good or bad?"

"Bad" she sighed. "So tianna is staying with me" she started

"Is she sleeping on the couch or something? Because our room only has two beds and-

"No I meant with only me. Rose, im not gonna be your room ate no more" she pouted

Let me stab tianna please

"But we've always wanted to be roommates" I shrieked

"She begged and her mum was right there so o couldn't say no" she explained

"I swear shes trying to push me out of our friendship, like clearly shes obsessed with you" I pointed out

There was a minute of silence in the car. My muscles started to all calm down and stopped digging my nails in my skin. "Who will I stay with then?" I asked

"Who knows" she shrugged

"WHAT?! So im living with a stranger?!"

"Don't worry. My uncle has set everything out. I promise your roommates wont rape you" she said

"Rape me?! So its a boy now" I crosser my arms

"Chill. Ro, chill. My uncle said he wont spend too much time in the room anyway. He will be in and out and you'll forget he's even there"

I slid back in the passenger seat. "He better be hot" I sighed

"This is it" I mumbled pushing the door open

"It will be fine"

"Connie, im living with a boy"

"What if its Louis" she smirked

"I dont like Louis. Stop trying to get me with him" 

"CONNIE" we both heard tianna yell

"Gotta go. See ya" she said before leaving me alone

I picked up my bag and walked in slowly. "Hello?" My voice echoed through the room

No response

"Um....joey?" I said, trying to remember his name thaf connies uncle had told me

"Sorry but joeys showering right now" a blonde boy informed me

"And you are?"

"Rose. Believe it or not, his roommates" I sighed

"Im Charles" he said holding a hand out

I accepted his hand and shook it

"Valerie. We are not a thing okay. Now leave me alone" a voice yelled from the room

Im guessing that's joey. And by the tone of his voice he sounds.........tacky

"Its rose. Not valerie?" I corrected


"Rose?" I questioned my own name

"Roselin? The one that tied me up?"

What is he on about?

"No, just rose" I replied looking around the house, standing awkwardly.

"He'll be out in a second. Just tell him I will be in my room. Aaron is having trouble with his gift. Its from Africa" he said before he left

I heard someone jogging up to me from behind

"Rose? Right?" He asked

I turned around to face him and scanned him. Brown wet hair. Tall. Pretty eyes. And was half naked with a towel wrapped around his lower body.

"Joey?" I asked

He nodded. "Indeed" he said quietly

"Joey, joey birlem"

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