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He went from all understanding and well mannered to 'your daughter calls me daddy too'. What was he thinking! theres no doubt now that my dad is going to forbid me from ever seeing him again! how on earth did those idiotic brain cells survive elementary school?

marie pulled her cup to her lips and raised an eyebrow at me. I had no other choice but to take the jug. I quickly took a hold of the jug and poured water into my cup, acting like nothing happened. things cant get any worse than this...

"i-I thought she said joey" joey blurted as I mentally face palmed

"joey and...daddy?" marie questioned and joey nodded. 

"I get mixed up all the time" joey nervously laughed and I gulped. I spoke too soon. things can get worse

"so you've been called daddy before" my dad stared at joey with an 'im going to kill you' face

I shut my eyes in embarrassment. this is way more embarrassing then that talent show performance. no, I haven't called him that before and never will. thats disgusting! 

"n-no sir. I'm just say it rhymes" joey stuttered. "...kinda" he shrugged, scratching the back of his neck. he's about to get beaten up

"oh no!" we heard my mum yelp as she picked up her phone. "this is terrible" she mumbled

she's on her phone when crap is about to go down not giving a damn. she's my mood most of the time

"what is?" I asked, sounding desperate. anything to get off that topic

"the debutante has been postponed. a tree apparently fell on the gates in the last hour" she pouted whilst reading off her phone. "its now in three days" 

"but mum. fixing the gate and taking the tree away would take more than three days. it could take a week" marie said, furrowing her eyebrows 

"not on my watch" mum grumbled. "my daughter is attending that debutante this week whether that stupid tree likes it or not. now if you excuse me, I have to text the whole neighbourhood so they can help me get rid of they dang tree and watch it burn" I feel bad for that tree. mum gets pretty tough when something messes up her schedule 

"I'll call John. he knows how to deal with these things" dad muttered, pulling out his phone.i let out a breath of relief and sheepishly smiled.  its like the conversation before had just vanished! thank you tree!

"dont assume that other conversation is over, Joseph. meet me in the living room" dad added, getting up and heading towards the living room

joey swallowed and looked at me for help. I would help but my laptop is waiting for me upstairs. the kissing booth won't watch itself

"good luck" was all I said before escaping the dinning room


"does this skirt make me look fat?" I asked May who was on my screen on FaceTime.  its the only way I can contact her now that I moved back to my old town. I had no choice but to quit. I really loved that job especially with a family that could bake delicious cinnamon rolls.

"you look gorgeous" May squealed, smiling so wide her cheeks might pop off

"thanks but i'm still not sure " I mumbled, looking at my body through my reflection. tomorrow is the first day of school and I only realised that after watching the first part of the movie the kissing booth. I tend to feel insecure when wearing skinny jeans. they make my thighs look fat so a skirt is my only option.

"im sorry sir" I suddenly heard joey from the living room

"hold up, may. I'll be back" I excused myself then walked over to my door, placing my ear against the wood

"if you loved my daughter, you would be begging for forgiveness" I heard my father

"I do! I love rosie more than crocophants !" joey yelped

"idiot! theres no such thing!" dad said sounding disgusted 

"there is! I saw it on the internet!" joey argued and I decided to stop listening 

joey is really something alright

"ooh! rose!" I heard may call and I sat back down infant of the screen

"yeah" I answered, clicking the play button to the playlist ABBA. they're old I know but their music will forever remain in my heart

"I saw this cute boy at the cafe the other day" she squeaked happily and now I was curious

"describe" I demanded, smirking

"tall brunette with brown or hazel eyes. I couldn't tell" she shrugged

"did you get his number?" I raised my eyebrows 

"yes!" she sang 

"whats his name?" I asked

"Ethan Reynolds"

end of chapter

I know how this book is gonna end. all I can say is that there will be tears

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