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"Im rose, rose marlin " I smiled

"Why are you hitting on me already" joey backed away

"I literally said nothing but my name" I stated

"But you gave me the smile"

"I thought I only had one smile and that's the friendly smile" I said

"You showed teeth. Only the top row" he said

"Doesn't mean im hitting on you"

"Says the girl in my living room"

"You meant our living room. Yes. Im your new roomie " I said sarcastically acting girly

"You soooo want me" he said as he walked back into the bathroom

"Not one bit" I scoffed

(a/n this girl needs help)

One second of talking and it looks like he's already an F boy. Sure he was good looking and all but wheres his heart at? Is it hiding? Most things will from him. I know I will. Finding a heart can't take long. But he is probably too busy looking for his brain

I looked around and sat on the couch in front of me which was facing another couch. Joey came out, still half naked, brushing his teeth.

" its like almost the evening" I said confused as to why he was brushing his teeth at 4pm

"So?" He spat. I'm contaminated now. Where's the soap at? . "Your room is there. Its the first door on your right" he informed as I wiped away the used toothpaste on my cheek disgustedly

"Ever heard of manners?"

"Ever heard of i don't really care" he said as he waddled back into his room

I rolled my eyes and decided to check my room out. Grabbing my bag I did what joey said. I found my room and instantly threw my bag who knows where. The room was neat and simple. White and cream walls. A double cream silk bed. And a desk area. I sat on the surprisingly super soft mattress of my bed and sighed as I thought of a plan to avoid my new roommate.

"Are you scared of me Ro?" He smirked leaning on my door frame

"Does it look like I am?" I shuttered

"Yes" he grinned. "Look. This is not some romance where the hopelessly scared girl falls for her new charming roommate. Okay? Don't get me wrong, you're a hot gal-

"I'm kinda cold now" I interrupted

"Not what I meant"

"I'm hilarious"

"Don't tell me you're the awkward puny type"


"Anyways, as I was saying. Yes, you're gorgeous but we're not gonna fall in love like those lovey dovey movies. I don't date at first sight" he finished

"Neither. Just promise you won't fall for me." I shrugged

"Fall for you-

"Promise?" I asked sternly

He scratched the back of his neck and then nodded. " promise"

End of chapter
K bye

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