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"rosie" a voice chimed through my ears. I turned to look behind me and there I found joey with his arms open wide wearing a huge smile on his face

you don't know how cute he looks when he does that

crashing my body into his, I hugged him back as I felt his body relax against mine. 

"I missed you" he mumbled into my neck and I playfully rolled my eyes

"you saw me yesterday " I said which caused him to quickly pull away

"I ditch first period for you and you don't even say you miss me too?!" joey dramatically gasped. he put his hand over his heart. "i'm hurt, Rosie"

"I sorry. I missed you to-

"nope. its too late to say that now" he cut me off and shoved his hand in front of my face. don't worry. he's not actually mad at me. its just a playful thing we do. joey is like this most of the time. its adorable but it always gets me frustrated once he starts playing hard to get

"joey, im sorry" I pouted but instead of forgiving me he looked around the halls, looking at everything but me as if I was invisible. "Joey, don't be like that" I whined and got hold of his left arm

"yo .dude" joey walked over to this random boy who was at his locker. "do you hear something? or is it just the wind?" joey asked the poor boy who looked confused

"yeah I do...it looks like your girlfriend wants to talk to you" the boy replied, gesturing to me and I smirked at joey

"damnit random stranger! you were suppose to be one my side" joey pouted and crossed his arms

"I was in your biology class for two years" the boy sassed and furrowed his eyebrows

"were you now?" joey scoffed. "or are you lying to me like you're lying about hearing something"

I love joey but sometimes I want to punch him In the face

"goodbye" I finally gave up and started to walk back into my classroom until joey grabbed my arm and pulled me back

"im only kidding, Rosie" joey chuckled and held both my hands

"I know. but it get a little old" I muttered, looking down

"I missed you" he said and lifted my head up

"I missed you too" I smiled and cupped his cheeks, placing my lips on his

Connie's pov

"can we do something other than spy on her" Tiana whined. "I wanna go back to class" she groaned, almost walking away until I stopped her

"suck it up" I hissed. "we have to find out more about her and this joey kid" before you ask why I need to find out about their relationship, I'll just explain. I need them to break up. Rose is not the same with him and without us. something about him has changed her and I don't know what. it could maybe be that she's actually in love but lets be real...

who would fall for rose marlin? it must be some sort of scam or something because i'm still wondering as to why a guy with good looks would go for her. 

she's well known around this school and its only been like 45 minutes since she stepped foot here. I came to school extra early this morning to make new friends with the popular people so that I would be well known. but turns out that the only popular thing at this school is Roey. rose and joey. everywhere I go someone is talking about their relationship and how much they wish they were them. oh please! they all are block heads for thinking that rose is cute with joey. 

im really sick of hearing rose's name pop up everywhere. even my parents keep on mentioning her and her successes through the last month. 'be more like her, connie' 'why cant you act the way rose does' well guess what?! i'm not her! she's not perfect!

my plan is to break her and joey up. 

ive been working on this plan for quite awhile now. who do you think suggested that Alex should be her partner for the debutante? it was me obviously. 

"this is boring and we're basically skipping class on our first day" Tiana once again groaned. I need to shove a brick up her mouth. don't you ever get that feeling?

"aren't you all about ditching school and stuff?!" I rolled my eyes

"yeah but not on the first day!" she's really annoying me right now. another reason why I need joey and rose to break up. after they break up, theres no doubt rose will come running back to me. I would rather rose over Tiana any day. after all, rose and I were the best of friends

"you don't understand" I dragged out. "we need to break them up-

"so you can get all the attention again and have her be like one of your lame backup dancers" Tiana cut me off with her tone rising. I don't like this attitude. i'm the only one who should've attitude..

"I get it" she said as she looked at me

rose glanced around the room, almost landing her eye on us

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rose glanced around the room, almost landing her eye on us. "shoot!" I jumped and pulled Tiana with me into a random room, the closest room to us. 

"what?" she asked

"she almost saw us!" I whisper yelled

I turned around cautiously after I heard the sound of a toilet flushing. uh oh

I looked at the door which read 'mens bathrooms' on it and tiana's jaw dropped as she saw a guy walk out of the toilet stalls. the guy looked at us with widen eyes and then he groaned

"I thought I was sure this was the boy's bathroom!" he said and yanked on his hair. he walked over to a guy that was in the middle of doing his 'business' and tapped on his shoulder. "I guess we both made the same mistake" he lightly chuckled and I furrowed my eyebrows

"no no no" Tiana spoke up. "this is the guys bathroom. we're the ones who shouldn't be here" she confessed and the boy walked up to us

"you two look familiar although...you two seem new" he said and scratched his chin. ew. he didn't wash his hands

"I could say the same to you" I raised an brow and then it clicked "you're joeys friend! chad" I jumped and pointed to him

"uh one; its red to point and two; indeed I am. the one and only" he winked and I rolled my eyes

this is perfect

"we were just wondering..." my voice trailed. "when did joey start dating that rose girl?" I asked with a smirk

"a few months after he broke up with his ex felicity" chad answered, scratching the back of his neck in thought. "why-

"who's felicity?" I blurted and he stumbled back

"why don't you ask for yourself" he said and nodded behind us and we turned around

there, walked a frowny blonde headed in the halls with his heels clicking against the floor wearing pink lip gloss and a white dress

"I want joey back" we heard her whine and an idea popped into my head

end of chapter

question(for people who have read my other book 'best friends'): loey (lola and joey) or roey (rose and joey) i curious 

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