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-my friend pranked me and put her name down as 'joey birlem' as her kahoot name. smh. anyway, THANKU FOR 50K <3

"tell me about your kiss with Alex" joey suddenly spoke.

 after we almost go arrested, the whole car ride has been nothing but silence. he almost got me behind bars for freakin sake! I had to lie to an officer. i didn't plan on lying to the police ever in my life. or even getting pulled over by one. I'm now wondering if we'd get caught for lying. would we go to jail? if we do I wouldn't let my parents bail me out, I would insist on staying there until I shrivel up and die for my sins. its better then having my parents yell at me. but even worse, what will I tell me grandchildren? that Ive been to jail-

"rosie?" joeys voice snapped me out of my thoughts

"w-what? " I asked "sorry,  I zoned out" I explained 

"you're kiss with Alex" he sighed. "what was it like. did you feel anything? like a spark-

"heck no. I felt nothing but his dried lips" I cringed as I said

"was that you're first kiss...?" he asked but this time he sounded more curious 

I nodded even though his eyes were on the road. "yeah..." I responded, thinking back to that terrible memory . "worst first kiss ever" I mumbled

"was it because his dried lips?" he lightly chuckled and I laughed long

"not just that"

"then what else?" he asked as my stomach tighten

I stayed quiet for a few seconds but finally had the guts to tell him. as much as Alex deserves to be in hospital with bruises all over his face, I couldn't let joey hurt him like that. but here goes nothing..

"I-it....." I stuttered. "was a dare" I breathed out with a shaky breath

my body felt like it had just been slingshotted but stopped by a seat belt. joey stopped the engine of the car and turn to me . "it was what?" he asked me, seeing the colour red take over his face

"please don't hurt him-

"why not! he got dared to kiss you and by with that, he took away your first kiss! he deserves to be hurt" he growled, clenching his jaw . "who dared him and why?" 

"h-his friends" I stuttered. "they knew I had a crush on him.." I swallowed 

he cursed under his breath then hit the steering wheel. "what kind of douchebags think they could mess with my Rosie! they will fuc-

"it was a long time ago, joey!" I yelped

"you didn't deserve to get hurt! they do! he stole your first kiss knowing you had a crush on him!" he yelled as cars beeped behind us

I looked behind us and saw that there was about four angry drivers behind us, waiting for us to move

"joey, just drive" I sighed, crossing my arms

"no" he said which caused me to look at him again

"what?" I asked, making sure I heard right 

"no" he said again. "let the cars honk at me. i'm not going to move until you stop even caring about Alex" he scoffed

"he took your first kiss-

"so what?! are first kisses suppose to be magical?" I sarcastically cooed

"you're darn right they are"he huffed

"how should you know" his first kiss was most likely a drunk one

"because my first kiss was with you" he said which made my heart stop

end of chapter

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