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-last chapter :")

Joey's pov

"Rosie" I breathed out. I had to blink twice for what I just witnessed. this can't be happening. I cant let this happen. I won't let this happen. "no. no no" I mumbled and sped out of my car and ran towards Rosie who had her body flat on the road. it was only after I kneeled down next to her I saw the blood running down her head

even if I was mad seconds ago, I didn't keep my eyes off her. I saw the whole thing

from her running till a vehicle stopped her and hit her back.

I watched her fall and yet I didn't come out of the car sooner.

my hands couldn't stop shaking as I lifted her head onto my thighs. "Rosie" I whispered into her ear and stroked a strand of her hair out of her face. my vision soon became blurrier before I felt drops of liquid on my puffy cheeks. It's really hard to believe this is happing now. I cant loose her. not now nor ever.

I traced every single detail of her face. from her perfect lips to the side of her eyes, my fingers traced. everything about her is perfect. I watched my own tears fall on her skin and roll down. i lifted her hand and placed it in mine and kissed it several times as I began to flood myself with tears. my lips shivered and I sobbed.

this is all my fault. if only I let her in the damn car and listen to her. all of this was my fault.

I love her. I love rose marlin.

those words repeated in my head as regret started to form a headache.

why didn't I tell her that I loved her? how could I be so stupid. and its our anniversary tomorrow

police sirens rung into my ears as I shot my head up to see blue and red lights stop next to us. men and woman in uniforms started to scatter everywhere around us. from the back of the ambulance's truck to the love of my life who was being lifted onto a bed and our touch broke with my hands feeling empty.

I stumbled back and glanced beside me where I noticed a man exiting the car behind where rosie laid. I immediately clenched every muscle and gritted my teeth

"you" I seethed as police officers held his arms back. I stormed up to him. "you did this! thats my girlfriend being taken in the back of an ambulance truck all because of you and your car! don't you feel ashamed of yourself? injuring an innocent girl like that?-

"excuse me sir, but could you please back away" one of the police officers said to me but I didn't listen

"it was her night! her night to cherish and keep it as a memory for the best night of her life. where she can smile and laugh, dance and have fun....but no. all because of you she cant say that she had the time of her life. she cant look at her beautiful dress ever because it is not covered in blood that was caused by you! you should feel ashamed of yourself! so ashamed that you crawl inside your own grave with guilt shadowing behind you!-

"thats enough sir" the officer said again but this time, the man stopped her

"no" the man demanded. "I deserve this"

"darn right you do!" I spat and began to push him. I didn't care if there are hundreds of people watching and most of them are officers. I just wanted to take my anger out of this guy that hit my girlfriend's back with his stupid car!

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