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"A debutante!" My mum squealed and I literally choked on air. So that's the important news

"Im sorry...what?!" I scowled and Marie snorted. Its not possible. I was technically suppose to attend this years debutante since im turning 17, but I moved out which lead to me moving schools which means I cant do the damn debutante. My mum has wanted me to since I was little. Marie didn't get to go to one since the price was too expensive. But now since my dad has a new job that pays better, we got just enough for me to attend my debutante. What joys. Note my sarcasm

"Okay okay I know what you're thinking. 'How and why?' Well you see, dear, we only agreed for you to move out after you go to your schools debutante" she explained. Shoot I forgot. "So I've made a few changes and talked to your old school's principle-

"Mum, I don't even go to that school anymore. Neither does Connie or tiana. How are we suppose to go to our debutante when we moved?" I asked

"I told you. I've made a few changes and spoke to the principle" she answered. "Since you girls have been preparing the debutante when you guys were attending Kendall prep , the principle is making an allowance"

I groaned. This is what i get for being the principle's favourite. No, I wasn't a straight A student but I did bring muffins in often. I had to give them to her because I did not want to spend my Friday in detention. Sometimes you gotta risk it

"I haven't got a date" I muttered as I looked down at my feet

"I talked to Mrs bets " was all my mum said before I screamed inside of my head making my mind explode. "Alex bets says he'd be honoured!" She cheered

Marie snorted again but then cracked up laughed until she had to hold her stomach

Some much for avoiding him

I glared at Marie. "Don't look at me like that. You're the one going to a debutante with alex bets " she cooed then got up

My foot so happened to be in her way when she walked

As Marie tripped over she let out a whine. "Rose!"

Oops. I wonder how my foot got there in the first place...


"I cant freakin believe it!" Joey groaned as he walked furiously around the living room. I haven't even told him about the debutante yet. "She cant just make me meet my new soon to be step cousin. Aunt denice was awesome! Now I have t meet her replacement and her stupid son" joey whined

"What's his name?" I asked

"I cant remember. Something like mark or some crap" he muttered then sat beside me. "You know....my whole family is going to be there. Maybe you should tag along with me" he shrugged

"Y-you want me to meet your family?" I questioned his offer. "I don't know.." I sighed

"They'll love you" he smiled and scooted closer to me, handing my hand in his and rubbing circles. "Please, Rosie...For me at least?" He pleaded with his voice deepening. You do not know how attractive he sounds when he talks like that

"I don't know if im ready to or not. We only started dating awhile ago" I admitted

"You're all I talk about when they call. You're no secret to the birlem fam " he chuckled and I laughed lightly along

"okay" I smiled up at him. "I'll go with you"

"Be ready to meet your future family in law" he winked

"That's a little too soon" I giggled and pressed my lips against his

End of chapter
Bro I've been so active with this book lately

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