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-I tripped over a sandel

"I need to go, joey" I whined, pulling my bag towards the door. joey held the other end and pulled it towards the apartment. we were basically playing tug a war but with my packed bag with all my belongings in it. sigh

"you're not going anywhere" he struggled to keep his grip. "theres no way you're leaving me with those lazy douchebags" he said referring to Charles and chad who were doing random crap like always

"you look weird" Charles said to chad who was wearing my floral dress and shower cap. don't ask

"says you!" chad barked, referring to Charles in my heart pyjamas . i'm just surprised they suit those clothes well. it really brings out their eyes

"I heart it" Charles giggled

rolling my eyes I went back to yanking my bag out of the door. "let go" I groaned

"okay" said joey and he let go of the bag, causing me to fall on my back

"oh shoot"


"well at least now you can't leave" joey shrugged as I layed flat on my bed with my back aching. I managed to turn to him and glare. my plan was to live with my mum from now on as told. however, my plan to break up with joey never happen and it will probably never will. the deal was that if I move out I would still be able to date joey. but the problem is that he's not letting me leave

"chicken soup made by the one and only-

"Charles!" Charles cut off chad who had walked in with a bowl of soup

"bullcrap. I made this soup! you did nothing but stand there eating froot loops" chad spat, darting his eyes at Charles who held an innocent smile on his facr

"im the one wearing the apron" Charles shrugged

"that doesn't mean anything!" chad yelled. All he needs is a moustache, a hat and then he would look like that little chef guy from ratatouille

"guys! you realise she cant eat anything since her back is sore and she cant get up" joey said

their lips formed into circles

"oh" Charles sighed

"soup....wasted" chad groaned

"its the thought that counts" I muttered. My stomach started to grumble. Then I hesitated. "Pass me that soup" I demanded

"But baby, you can't eat" Joey mumbled

"Who the heck are you to tell me what to do. My back is sore. Its not like its broken" I furrowed my eyebrows

"Are you sure you're not on your period?" Chad asked and crossed his arms in concern

"Chad all girls are bipoler" joey explained

"That's not true!" I raised my voice and got up, causing my back to crack and I hissed

"Oh really?" Joey smirked

"I forgot the break sticks! Be right back" Chad said before running out of the room

"Yes! really" I said to joey

"You want the soup?" He asked and held the bowl up as i nodded like a desperate dog. "Here, have it!" He spat then poured the bowl of soup on me

"JOEY!" I shrieked

"You said you wanted the soup. Take notes, guys. " Joey chuckled. "She wanted the soup and now she's complaining. Bipoler" he flashed a smirk once again

"Maybe because you poured the soup onto her" Charles rolled his eyes but joey just shrugged.

"Here's the bread stick!" Chad announced and I snatched it off him and started to whack joey with it.

"You sure you're not on your period" joey said through smacks


"One two three, one two three, one two there, one two-ARG! Just stop" Ms Ava scowled and Alex threw his head back and groaned. I think my feet are bleeding. mrs bets and my mum are both going crazy about the debutante. they're treating the whole celebration like it's some kind of surprise party that needs to be perfect. I on the other hand am hating every single moment. mrs bets ordered a dance teacher for Alex and I so we would do the formal waltz 'perfectly'

"Alex, darling.....you look like you're dancing with two left feet" mrs bets sighed

"im doing my best" he shrugged and looked away

"well your 'best' is not good enough. try harder!" mrs bets darted a glare at her son then turned the music off

wow that was harsh. I do feel bad for Alex, even all the things he has put me through. his mother is really really harsh on him. Having the perfect son is her goal.

She failed miserably

"Hey" he stepped closer to me but I managed to step back further. "Sorry for stepping on your feet" he sheepishly grinned, looking at his feet

"Its okay" I shrugged. "Im not the best at waltzing either". I tried to make him feel better about him self even though that was half a lie. I learnt how to dance back in 8th grade and I loved it. I was the first person who had understood how to actually waltz in my class without stepping on other people's toes.

"Bullcrap" he scoffed and let out a chuckle. "You're amazing" he smiled with closed lips. I like talking to alex. It just tells me that he was always suppose to be nothing more than a friend to me. I sometimes do regret having a crush on him because of all the things that have happened in the past but those times have gone. The more conversations we have, the more comfortable I feel around him. I don't feel that bad and embarrassed about the dare.

"Oh really? " I raised an eyebrow. "Wanna bet?" I asked

"You're on, marlin. That's practically my last name" he smirked and then we heard the music switch back on again

End of chapter

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