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"Are you sure about this, Joey? You're drunk" I said cautiously . Right now we're on the road and I'm 100% sure that we'll get pulled over soon since we're going the 80 limit when we're suppose to be on 10

"Rosie" he chucked. "I had one drink. It's not like I'll get pulled over" he sarcastically cooed

He couldn't even read the back of a pop tart box.

"You're speeding" I pointed out

"I need more fuel. The faster we get more fuel, the faster-

He got cut off by an alarm and blue and red lights shining behind us.

"Uh oh" he mumbled. Uh oh indeed. Idiot. "Quick! Swap seats!" He demanded

"Are you crazy?! You're going to get me arrested!" I panicked. He knows I don't have my license and making it look like I was driving without a license would get me behind jail bars

"I know what I'm doing which would prevent us both from going to jail. Now scoot little lady!" He yelled the last part which got me moving

"Geez alright" I mumbled. We finally switch seats before the officer could notice. It was really hard though since it was kinda squishy

The officer stood infront of the car window as I pulled it down

"Officer" I greeted, trying to sound as confident as I could

"You know you were past the 10 limit, mam?" He asked with a raised eyebrow

"I am aware and I promise that it will never happen again" time to switch on lying Rose marlin. "You see, my boyfriend over here, he's really sick and needs to be at hospital asap. But our phone line was dead which meant I couldn't call the ambulance. So I had to drive him myself" I explained. Wow I'm getting better

Joey made a groaning noise and I looked at him. He was holding his stomach in pain like he was pregnant. He must of forgot to use a condom while he was with the video game, fornite all yesterday night. I scoffed in my head

"I see....Can I please see your license?" The officer asked and my eyes widen

"My license?" I tried breathing

"Yes, mam. Your license. If you don't have your license, well you'll be coming with me"

"Hey! Get your own. She's mine pal" Joey interrupted

"Mental hospital" I explained. "He's sick in the head"

"I see that too..." the officer nodded

"Babe" I turned my head to Joey. "Can you search my bag for my license" I said with eyes of panic. He nodded and got out a card and handed it to me.

It was joeys license but with my face stuck on. He must have stuck my picture on while I was talking. Hopefully this works..

I held the license up so the officer saw

"Your name is Joseph Matthew Birlem?" He asked wit furrowed eyebrows and I nodded

"My parents were expecting a boy" I gulped

He nodded. "Drive safely and get your boyfriend to mental hospital. I'll let you off with a warning" I'm breathing again!

"Thank you officer" I smiled in glee. "I promise it won't happen again"

"Yeah yeah have a good night" he said and walked off

As soon as the officer was out of sight, I squealed. "Joey, we did it-

"Mental hospital?!" He cut me off and held a finger against my lips. "You think I'm Mental?"

"Joey, I was just trying to make up an excuse"

"Well that hurt me, Rosie" he pouted. "Mentally!"

"Well Joey, where did you get this photo of me?" I asked, holding out the license

"Your parents" he chuckled. "I even have some nude baby Rosie photos-

"Alright lets Swap seats"

End of chapter
Sorry for the short and crappy chapter

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