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-two chapters in a day. woo!!
Im suprsied that my dad hasn't killed joey yet. Joey has been doing nothing but speak the truth, leaving out the whole butler and roommate thing. They still don't know that he's actually my roommate and I would like to keep it that way to them. I like living with him and I don't want that to change

Its been an hour and a half and my parents are still telling embarrassing stories of me when I was little. No matter how much I told them to shut up, they kept on going. Joey seemed to be enjoying my embarrassment and seeing me get tortured.

Not long after, I got a call from May, asking me to come down to the cafe so her parents could ask me some questions about the job

I excused myself and told my parents where I was going before I left the table. I suggested that they take a look around the apartment for awhile and I made sure that they wouldn't go into joeys room. Approaching the kitchen, I sw joey who was standing by the sink.

"They love you" I said, walking over to him

"I know" he chuckled lightly. Even though his back was facing me I know he's smirking

Spinning around to face me, he scanned my body from head to toe. Surprisingly it didn't feel so pedo-like.

"Sorry if I let you down" he apologised and I assume it was about what he did to my script

"Its fine. You didn't let me down at all. You actually suprsied me" I walked closer to him. "I found out more about you in an hour than the time I've been living with you." He let out a small laugh

That laugh

Now I was directly in front of him and he was leaning against the sink. I was really tempted to kiss him again but I know I couldn't

"Same to you" a smile grew on his face

Seconds later, I found us leaning into each other but before our lips could attach, I excused myself

"I have to go"

Joey's pov

Rosie got a call from the café, asking her for a quick interview for the job since she lived so close. She'll do great. She'll be perfect for that job. It also means I get to see her more in the daytime since that's my favourite café. She left seconds ago before I could even kiss her. She left trusting me to be alone with her parents and leaving my lips empty.Her parents seem to get along with me pretty well. It was a bit tense at first but about 15 minutes in, I've never felt closer to a family other than mine. Conversations were mainly about either me or rosie's past. After hearing cute and embarrassing stories about her when she was younger, I felt closer to her than I did before. I also love seeing her blush through the stories being told with her cheeks turning into a dark pink and her nervous little smile. She's beautiful. Even her flaws are beautiful to me.

Im really glad Rosie is my roommate. I feel myself starting to improve my bad habits. I was actually going to live with Charles at first but then I had a huge fight with Aaron. Charles has forgave him but I still haven't. So Charles ended up living with him feeling bad. I heard the same thing happened with rosie and her so called friends. They don't deserve her. Rosie deserve so much better than leeches. Blood sucking, back stabbing leeches.

"So, are you and rose close?" Mrs marlin asked, finishing her meal

I smiled at my hands and nodded. "Really close" I replied, fidgeting with my fingers

"Tell us the truth, joey" mrs marlin sighed which made me look up instantly when she had called me joey. "Are you really the butler?" She asked, grinning

Welp. I ripped up the script for a reason. "No mam. " I answered. Surprisingly I didn't feel bad for telling the truth. It just felt like a weight has been lifted off my chest. "Please don't be mad at her for lying-

"We wont because we knew from the start that she was up to something" she said

"You did?" I asked and they nodded.

"She's a terrible liar" Mr marlin chuckled. I have to agree with that

"Like when she lied about how attractive you are or when she said that she didn't like you" mrs marlin chuckled along. I laughed along with them, but then I stopped and realised what they had said and it instantly made me blush

"W-what was the second one?" I asked making sure I heard it right he first time.

"How she lied when she said that she didn't like you" Mrs marlin repeated. I wish I could record that a have it on replay all day

"You think she likes me?" I asked. I could not help but smile

"Isn't it obvious?" Mrs marlin smirked

"So, what about you?" Mr marlin asked. "What do you think about my daughter?" I could feel the heat in his eyes as they were on me

I sighed and shook my head, smiling. "Isn't it obvious?" I repeated what mrs marlin has said. "I think im falling in love with her"

Mrs marlin nodded in acceptance and seemed like she was about to cry tears of joy. Mr marlin look like he didn't know whether to be happy or whether to stab me with the kitchen knife

But I don't regret confessing what I just had confess, because it wasn't my head speaking. My heart has a mind of its own

I don't know for sure if its love that im feeling but all I know is that its an amazing feeling like what they say in the films

"Are you going to ask her on a date?" Mr marlin asked

I shook my head and frowned. "No." I responded. "Not yet."

"Im home" rosie called out as a smile appeared on my face again

End of chapter

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