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"You're late again" may sighed as she wiped the counter top. "You're lucky you're my only friend. If you weren't, then you'd probably be dead meat to my parents" she scoffed playfully

"I'm sorry" apologiezed as I got my work apron on. "There was traffic" I shrugged

"On in alex-ville?" She smirked

"Shut up" I groaned. "He's so annoying" I mumbled, bringing my hair into a low ponytail. I haven't washed my hair in three days and I feel gross. I usually wash it every second day but we ran out of shampoo. Joey excused me for stealing his shampoo which was true. Who doesn't want soft and silky hair like him? His hair smells amazing!

"He was looking for you. Him and this girl named Connie were. They said they were here to apologise or something" she said as I tied the back of my apron. "That Alex guy is cute. Have you ever dated him?"

"No" I rolled my eyes. "And I never plan on to now"

"Why? What happened?" She asked

I picked up the notepad, ready to take some orders. "I'll tell you later" I gave her a smile then walked off

"Rose!" Someone called out which made me spin around. "There you are" Connie said, breathlessly and came running towards me. I would throw my pencil at her but I don't want to get fired

"What?" I snapped. I'm guessing it's the time of the month again

"Chill out. I just wanted to say sorry?" She furrowed her eye brows

"I wonder what for" I sarcastically smiled then rolled my eyes

"Don't bring that attitude on me. I'm your best friend and here to apologise for your crap behaviour" she seethed. I can't believe how blind I was to ever see her as a 'best friend'. For starters, she's the one that told Alex that I had a crush on him, she's the one ditching me for better girls to hang out with and to top it all off, she's the one who poured a chocolate milkshake over my head on my birthday! At that time, I thought she was just messing around but it clicked when she all the sudden needed me after my life switched around. "You're pathetic you know that? And you're talking bull crap. I would never use you" she scoffed

"I have work to do. I'd love to stay and chat but my job isn't to talk to snakes" that's harry potter's job

Her mouth hung wide open after I said that. She better close that mouth or else the whole cafe would smell her bad breath

"Tootles" was all I said before I turned to see may clapping

"Go off!" May squealed as I made my way back to her

"I can't believe I just did that" I breathed out in total shock. I'm not usually the type of person to say that. I use to always keep my mouth shut after someone would call me pathetic. I guess I don't know my own power of my period

"You were amazing!" She cheered. "Do you want to come over after work? I'm planning on to watch the fault in our stars tonight" she giggled

"That sounds fun but I have to go see my mum tonight with my older sister, Marie. I don't know why but my mum says it's important" I sighed. I felt bad for May since we never hang out other then at work.

"It's okay. Maybe next time" she smiled. "Now give that notepad to me. Cute boys alert" she wiggles her eye brows and made her way to the group of guys at the back. She's serving which meant I had to work at the cash register. I actually liked working as a cashier better than a waitress. Less walking

"Can I please have one chocolate muffin" a girl asked, smiling

"Sure. One sec" I smile back then used tongs to pick the muffin up and i placed it into a small box, giving it to her straight after. "That will be 2 dollars fifty" I said as she took the box and handed me three dollars

"Thank you" she smiled once again and I handed her fifty cents change. "Can I just say, I love your necklace. Where did you get it ?" She asked, admiring the heart necklace on my neck.

"Thanks. It was a gift" I lightly giggled. "From my sister on my 16th birthday last year"

"its gorgeous" she said, tucking her red hair behind her ear. "I feel like I've seen you around. Do you go to mount janes high school?" She asked with her blue eyes glimmering

"I'm about to. I'm new to this town. me and my friends moved her not too long ago" I repiled. Once again I'm jealous. She's stunning. I feel like a blob fish compared to her. But I gotta admit. Blob fishes are amazing

"Karla. Karla Souths?" May appeared out of nowhere

"May?" The girl asked who I assume was Karla

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"May?" The girl asked who I assume was Karla. "I forgot you worked here. Nice seeing you again"  she smiled

"Right back at you. I see you've met rose" may grinned

"Yeah. Not too long ago. But she is lovely" Karla said and then looked at me

 But she is lovely" Karla said and then looked at me

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"That reminds me. Rose, you're coming to our school" May reminded herself

"Yeah. With Connie and tiana" I sighed.

"Don't worry about them. You can hang with me and Karla" may playfully bumped my shoulder. "Also, Joey attends There. Is that Alex kid coming to our school too?" She asked then something clicked in my head


Alex is attending mount janes high with me

End of chapter
So far, Levi as Alex, Loren as May and Sadie as Karla :) thank you for all the suggestions!

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