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Dark, messy and stuffy. Yes, im in his room.

I know its wrong to snoop........but i said that about lying to my parents too, but look at me. Im not dead.......yet. You see, when someone says 'don't do this' or 'don't do that' I just do it Anyways. Somethings fishy about this guy..........and im pretty sure I smell a dead fish around here.

I looked around the room, always checking behind me if he had come back early. It was really dark in this room. What is he? Emo or something? then I heard a creek at the door

That's when I jumped 5 feet in the air

"FUDGE NUGGETS!!"  I shrieked. There, stood not joey but.....

"Im telling joey" Charles said as he walked back out. "And seriously? 'Fudge nuggets'" he questioned

"Hey! Dont judge. And I beg of you. Please please please don't snitch on me" I pleaded. "If he finds out i was snooping through his room, I will become the dead body in his closet!" Okay I maybe exaggerating on joey being a murder. But hey. Could be true

"Oh please" Charles scoffed as he turned his head slightly towards me whilst pausing his legs from walking. "Joey would never kill anyone-HOLY COW WHY IS THERE A GUN ON HIS SHELF?!?!" Charles screamed

Im out of here

Im too young to die

"Im kidding, rose" someone please shove a brick down his throat

"Im going to kill you"

"Who's the murderer now" he grinned

"Me. Because you both are dead meat"

"I knew there was a dead fish around here" I whispered to myself before replaying what just happened. Uh oh

"Pallllllll joeyyyyyy. You're back early" Charles said to joey who was standing there in anger

"What did I tell you both about snooping through my room without meh permission" joey growled

"I wasn't snooping! I was.........measuring your room" I awkwardly said as I backed away. That was the most pathetic excuse

"Measuring my room?" He questioned. That fish is not the only dead meat now

"Yeah. I-" I felt something fall behind me causing me to turn. Uh oh. Okay, maybe this wasn't a good idea at all. Snooping, lying now breaking things. Can someone dig my a grave

"You broke my frame!" Joey yelled as he rushed over toward the broken glass.

"I didn't do it! Charles framed me" I joked. Trying to make things a tad less intense

"Oh so you are the awkward punny one" joey huffed

I felt even worse. At the pit of my stomach, I felt guilt. "Im sorry" I sighed. I felt really really bad for what I did. I knew, living with a boy might cause disasters.

I kneeled beside him, helping him with the broken glass. "I cam do this myself" he quietly informed. I could tell by his voice, he was mad

"Its okay. I was my fault-crap!" I hissed at the pain

Joey cursed under his breath before holding up my hand and examining the cut in my index finger. Lets just say im not really good with glass

"Charles. Could you please go get a band aid?" Joey asked

Charles nodded before jogging to the bathroom

"Sorry Rosie" he sighed.

"You didn't do anything. It was me that snooped, lied and broke your frame. Its all my fault" I interrupted

"I shouldn't of been so harsh on you from the beginning though. I guess I was just.........nervous. About having a girl roommate"


Im suddenly intrigued

"Nervous you say?" I grinned

"Yeah. Its not that easy having a pretty girl living with you" he chuckled

Before I could say anything back, Charles came back into the room

"Did you want the band aid with cookie monster or the little mermaid on it?" He asked

End of chapter
K bye now

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