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"Thank goodness" I sighed in relief as we exited the diner. I swear my toes are bleeding from all the times felicity had 'accidentally' stood on my feet. I'm suprised we stayed there for a whole hour. Especially when felicity was obviously flirting with Joey whilst twirling her blonde but dead hair. I was tempted to speak to the boss but I didn't want to seem dramatic.

"Tell me again why we stayed there for that long?" I asked when I saw Joey pull out his phone

"You look so cute when you're jealous" he lightly chuckled but his eyes stayed on his phone

"Hey!" I whined and slapped his arm. "You're telling me you ordered all that food on purpose just to see me get jealous?!"

"Am I genius or what" he grinned,  finally looking at me

I rolled my eyes then looked at him with annoyance written all over my face with slouched shoulders

"I know I'm gorgeous but it's rude to stare, marlin" a smirk slithered across his face.

"Whatever" I mumbled. I couldn't disagree with him. Just look at him! He's flawless for goodness sake! "Are we going back to our party?" I asked dumbly. Of course we are. Where else are we going to stay?

"Nope" he answered, popping the 'p'. I guess I was wrong. "There's a motel not just right.....there" he squinted his eyes and pointed out in front of us. First a diner and now a motel. I think he's trying to avoid going home. Im just wondering how Charles is doing with the party. Hopefully he didn't get knocked with alcohol or else our party would go extremely wild where the whole town might start complaining

After joey booked us a room, who would have thought there would only be one bed.

"You go and shower first. Im going to ask if there's any free Wifi here" joey exclaimed then I heard the door shut. I let out a sigh then made my way to the bathroom, but before I could turn the shower on, my phone rang

The screen lit up and I took in a breath when i read the contact name. Im not going OT pick up. With my decision, I waited for the ringing to stop as i nodded my head to the ring tone. In situations like this, you need a catchy ring tone to avoid all the extremely annoying people out there.

The ringing finally stopped and I ran my fingers through my hair in relief and turned around to shower. But no. Of course that damn person had to call again! Stupid person. Stupid phone.

Rolling my eyes I pressed the accept button and held my phone against my ear

"Hey Alex" I said, trying to sound energize

"Hey you're alive!" He chuckled. "Where are you, I've been looking" he asked, letting out a giggle

"I left" I truthfully replied, looking at my reflection.

"You're own party?" He snorted. He's not usually this giggly. I think he's drunk. "You're crazy" he slurred, chuckling after. I didn't want to talk to him another second. The call has been less than 20 seconds and im bored out of my mind. And to think I use to habe a crush on him. I use to always freak out when i saw his contact name on my phone screen. My parents thought I was crazy for screaming out loud randomly. I still remember when he first called me. I could not believe my eyes. It was like my eyes had popped out of their sockets . I clicked on the accept button so many times that my hands couldn't even hold my phone due to me shaking uncontrollably. I ended up dropping my phone in the water fountain. I called him with my mum's phone after hours of begging. It was not easy convincing her since I dropped the phone she bought me in the fountain. Oh well

"Rose?" He said, earning my attention again.

"Sorry I just zoned out" I chuckled nervously in embarrassment

"Its okay" he chuckled along. "I love how you do that anyway. Like how I love how your eyes twinkle when i say you name. Or how you look down and blush beautifully when i tell you how great you look...." He started to ramble. It felt like my brain just jumped.

"W-what?" I asked, shakily. I hope I didn't hear right

"Im not drunk, rose." His voice was serious this time. " I love you."

That's when I dropped my phone

"They have Wifi here, Rosie!" I heard joey call out

"Uh that's great" I tried to hide what just happened. I picked my phone up and didn't know whether to end the call or not.

I cautiously, brung my phone to my ear . "Im sorry.....i just felt like I needed to tell you-I uh-" he let out a frustrated sigh through the phone. "I'll just go..." He muttered then ended the call. I was speechless at this moment. My jaw was dropped and I felt dizzy

"Rosie, are you okay?" Joey asked from the other side of the door

"Im fine" I said, loud enough for him to hear. "What am I going to do" I mumbled to myself

End of chapter

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