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-I love griffin gluck

Alex's Pov

"what the hell dude?!" I shouted and dropped my lunch on the table harshly next to Ethan. 

"what did I do this time?" he asked then took a bite of his apple. I signalled the girl next to him to leave so I could talk to Ethan but before she left, she gave a wink to him but he didn't seem effected.

I should have known Ethan would have a girl every second of the day. maybe its because of the bad boy vibes they get from him seems to attract them. he's had girls chasing after him for years but manages to pick girls wisely and ends up dumping them by surprise. 

thats Ethan and his habits .

I have only had one girlfriend in my life and guess what? she dumped me for Ethan 

rumours say she only dated me to get closer to him . thats true but Ethan never liked her back. instead, he hated her for doing such a thing to me since I was his best friend. but man I was I love with her. I should have never hung out with Ethan and his friends even though Ethan is nice to me...sometimes. 

I was bullied by them because of the dumb excuse for being the 'new kid that helped a dork tie her shoes'. pathetic isn't it? but someone did tell me that if you cant beat them, join them

and thats exactly what I did. after I had done one dare that led to criticises 

'I dare you to kiss rose marlin' were his exact words. I know they only dared me that because it was her shoes I tied so they automatically assumed I had a crush on her. but to do a dare was like a law to be part of their group and I regret it. I don't regret kissing rose, I only regret being stupid for even wanting to be like them. I was a mess. my parents realised my behaviour after a few weeks and told me to stop hanging out with them and punish Ethan

again. thats exactly what I did.

before I knew it, Ethan was sent to boarding school all because of me.

before I knew it, I started to develop strong feelings for the girl who's shoes I tied...

"after telling me not to talk to the freakin Rose Marlin, you go ahead and be buddies with her?" I asked hearing my own anger in my voice as I sat down in front of him

"you disobeyed my orders and went to talk to her anyways for who knows how long" he scowled  and put his apple down. "and plus, I didn't mean to"

"what do you mean you didn't mean to?!"I spat. "you are friends with a girl you build for years! how is that an accident?"

he let out a frustrated sigh. "I hate to say this but I was wrong about her. I actually enjoy talking to her. and remember, my friend...you were exactly the same" he grinned and placed a hand on my shoulder. "bullied to buds" 

I shoved his hand off. "don't hurt her" I threatened and clenched my jaw

"anything for your lover" he winked and finger gunned. 

"dont call her that" I hissed and he furrowed his eyebrows

"does her boyfriend call her that too or something-

"yes" I answered before he could finish. "I think..."

he patted my back. "its amazes me seeing you change." he chuckled. "you must really like her"

...I do

"people change for the better. I changed for her" I mumbled, feeling my cheeks starting to redden. I still have strong feelings for Rose. but my feelings have to be locked up somewhere she and her boyfriend cant see. 

I turned myself around and glanced up in front of me and she was just one table away from me.

just look at her and the way she beautifully smiles and giggles. she has new friends already I see but it isn't a shocker. she's sweet and funny and warm hearted. maybe thats why she doesn't get cold on a rainy day. 

I just cant wait to see her in a beautiful dress at the debutante. 

"mrs rose bets" someone said which made my flicker my eyes up

"that got his attention" Ethan chuckled and I rolled my eyes then noticed Connie, Tiana and another girl sitting with us

"what did I miss?" I asked and turned back round to face them

"you like Rose don't you?" Tiana asked and I raised an eyebrow, acting like I didn't know what she was talking about. 

"you kissed her" the girl said 

"and she was all you spoke about on that night we went to that taco place" Tiana added and Connie looked at her with a shocked expression 

"so that day in the cafe, you were the one who was lying?!" connie shrieked and Tiana hid her face. "wow. so I lost my best friend for nothing" she said in realisation 

"can we just get back on topic? why are you guys even here?" Ethan spat 

"I forgot" the girl with them mumbled. I could of sworn I saw her place Ethans phone in her purse. but before I could say anything, they were skipping away

"tootles" she said with connie and Tiana following them

once me and Ethan were alone again, I asked "how does that girl know I kissed her?" 

Ethan shrugged. "did you delete that picture you edited" I asked again and he pointed to me

"thank you for reminding me" he said and searched the table for his phone. "I was meaning to delete it now....right after I find my phone" he furrowed his eyebrows

"shoot" I breathed out

connie's pov

"get that photo before he notices his phone is missing" Tiana whispered as felicity searched Ethan's phone

"how do you even know he has a photo of rose kissing that boy" felicity asked

"I saw him take it when it happened" I answered and looked around, checking if anybody is around. I still cant believe Tiana was the one lying on that day rose left our group. rose could of still been with us. she could of still been my best friend..

"got it!" felicity said which made me snap my head towards her. "now all we have to do is show joey" she smirked

"are you sure you want to do this?" Tiana asked me and I hesitated. I just want things to go back to normal...

"yes" I replied. "but not yet"

"when then?" felicity asked as I felt guilt swirl in my stomach

"the debutante"

end of chapter

sorry for not putting rose or joey in this chapter but THE FREAKIN TEA IS BOILING 

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