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"are you sure you're not mad?" joey asked, walking into the apartment behind me. 

"sit down" I pointed to the couch 

joey furrowed his eyebrows. "don't tell me what to do" joey sassed, crossing's arms.

"okay then. its your choice to stand up" I cooed sarcastically

he started to squat down on the couch but quickly stopped himself. he then looked down at the couch in a sad manner. "my butt is so sore" he quietly mumbled to himself, patting his butt 

I know how joey never likes to be wrong when he knows I'm right. he would go out of his way just to prove his point 

"damnit!" he huffed then flopped on the couch, stinking into the pillows. I win. "so tell me Rosie. what did you want to talk about" he sighed, knowing exactly what I wanted to talk about

I was so mad at him right now that I wanted to throw pillows at him again. "don't act like you don't know what you did, Birlem. why the heck didn't you tell me you went to freakin jail?" I started yelling. I don't know what has gotten into me. all I know is what's gotten out of me. blood. stupid period. 

"you didn't need to know" he said so calmly . "it was none of your business" 

 furrowing my eyebrows, I folded my arms across my chest and walked up to him "none of my business?" I repeated  his words. "tell me, joey. what in the world made you go back to that restaurant and destroy Alex's bones?" I asked, knowing the answer. I should have never told him I keep telling myself. in that way, no one would get hurt nor go to jail

sucking a sharp breath in, he let the breath out and played with his fingers. again, he knew that I'm right. 

"okay" he paused. "I'm sorry and yeah, it was your business. I just wanted him to feel the pain you did but only physically for him" he shrugged

"so call me stupid if you want. if you do, you're basically saying that i'm stupid for caring for you" then he left, not looking back once. why does he have to make me feel this why? i'm already a mood swing wreck. 

"joey. wait" I stopped him, pulling him back, holding his hand in mine. he looked down at our hands then looked up to me

"theres nothing else to talk about, Rosie" he then looked away. "you obviously care about Alex more" he mumbled

"well he obviously doesn't give a crap about me anymore." I confessed. "I'm going to call myself stupid for crushing on him all these years. I was blinded by his beauty on the outside, forgetting his personality and the things he has done to me in the past.." . judging by joey's face, I knew he had questions, but he kept his mouth shut.

"thank you for breaking his nose for me" I said which forced a light chuckle to slip out of joeys mouth. I smiled and looked down at our hands which he surprisingly hasn't removed. "but most importantly, thank you, joey. for caring about me" I caged my bottom lip in between my teeth

"no problem" he grinned. "you know, Rosie. if I didn't now any better, id say you're developing feelings for me" a smirk played on his lips

"I am not!" I denied, attempting to slap his chest with my free hand but he grabbed ahold of it, bringing me closer till our bodies touched

"oh really?" his hot breath fanned my skin, sending shivers. now I'm starting to rethink my feelings for him. "I bet you want to kiss me right now as much as I want to kiss you"

"bet?" I raised an eyebrow

"bet" he licked his lips before pressing them against mine. his lips felt better than they looked up close. I moved my lips along with his for this was the feeling I have been craving since the first time we kissed. slow and passionate. this was exactly what I need. his warm body against mine creating peace in my mind as all my stresses flow out of my head. 

I felt relax and happy at this moment that I couldn't help but smile into the kiss. joey felt it and smiled along with me, going deeper into the kiss. I don't want this moment to end. not ever. but it soon did when we parted away, catching a breath. 

I didn't go in for another kiss because his phone started to ring. stupid phone. 

not taking his eyes off me as he picked up his phone. he took one glance at the contact name that light on his screen and instantly groaned. 

"decline" he said, pressing the decline button. "my boss can wait" he cheekily smiled 

"it hasn't even been a day yet and you're so getting fired already" I laughed along with him while he cupped my cheeks, closing my mouth with his lips once again

End of chapter

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