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You know that awkward moment when you call your teacher mum? Or even that moment when the waiter says "enjoy your meal" and you response with "you too"? Well this kind of moment is like that but worse

"What?" Joey asked

My eyes grew "What? Nothing. I said nothing" I shuttered

"Hmm you sure? 'Cause I could have sworn you just said 'I love you, babe' " he grinned

"I just said thank you. That's all I said" i lied quite fast

"Oh okay" he shrugged, still smirking

An awkward silence took over the room. Oh and for everyone who is wondering........i chose the band aid with the little mermaid on it. Its quite aesthetic. I mean, the way its set out and the colour combinations-what am I on about? I'm talking about a band aid. I'm an idiot

"Rosie" joey said

"Hmm?" I mumbled, staring at my band aid. Its satisfying

"So Charles and I are going to invite some friends over just to hang out. Wanna join?"

"I think I'm good. I'm not that well with socializing" I said that's 'cause I'm an antisocial freak. I love my phone. My baby

"I could tell" he said

"Says you"

"Touché "

"Can you go now?" I groaned. "I need to shower"

"Can I join?" He smirked. I choked on air

What did he just-

"IM KIDDING" he chuckled. Thank goodness. If this boy was an alien I would kick him back to space. Apparently the girl he went out with today wasnt his girlfriend. Charles told me that. He also told me that joey hasn't had a girlfriend that he never really loved. I was kinda expecting that. But apparently he only didn't love him because he was scared. Joey? Scared? Can I meet this side of joey?

"leave!" I yelled. He put his hands up in surrender then exited the room walking backwards, shooting a wink. That douchebag


I got changed into something comfortable but stylish because tiana suggested that we go out to McDonald's. But the thing qis, she is inviting my crush

Who may this crush be? Well for starters his name is Alex. He's so sweet. I've had a crush on him since 7th grade. He's all you want in a boyfriend. Tall, incredibly gorgeous, smart but not an annoying smart. He also treats everyone with respect mostly his mother. One time in 8th grade everyone would tease me for not knowing ow to tie my shoestrings. Yes I know its dumb but at least I know how to now. Proceeding, there was this race and of course my shoes were untied. At the start of the race, I fell on my face in front of the whole school. If you hadn't guessed already, yes. Everyone did laugh. Alex soon ran up to me, shutting everyone up and did my laces for me. That's the day I wanted to marry him.

I walked out of my room then instantly got pushed back in by the loud banging music. What the heck is going on?!?

I looked around the living room to see if here actually was a living room. It looks like it got turned into some kind of party place where drunk losers came. I thought joey said a few friends. I didn't know he had the same number of friends as he population of America.

I looked around for the only person I cold be mad at right now. Joey

I finally spotted him at the kitchen counter at the back, looking a bit woozy. And he was shirtless.....again. I need to buy some clothes for this guy. But he was drunk. I honestly was expecting all this to happen. Passing through the sweaty crowd, I finally reached the kitchen and felt so accomplished

"A few friends huh?" I glared

"Rosie! You made it" he slurred, chucking both his arms in the air

"One. Its rose. Two. Of course I did. I live here now your moron" I crossed my arms over my chest

"You look absolutely ttttttterrific !" He giggled, scanned my body. Why am I so tempted to pull out a random hammer and knock him out with it right now

"Sweetcheeks, my eyes are up here" I informed.

"You're hot when you're angry. Very very hot........." He said as he suddenly fainted

That was random

I walked over around the counter, carelessly. Honestly, this boy is a hand full. I feel I le a mother living with her 6 year old child. I his heavy body off the floor, using all my strength. I pulled his arm over my shoulder and attempted to drag him to his room so he could get some rest instead of getting rest on the kitchen floor

I looked like i was kidnapping him. Girls shooting glares at me and small whispers. I couldn't care less.

"Rosie?"I heard a mumbled come out from his mouth. "You're so pretty" he smiled sheepishly. I couldn't tell if his eyes were open or not

"Thanks joey" I said

"Don't go to my room" he huffed

"Where else are you supposed to sleep?!" I asked

"Your room. Duh" he replied.

"Then where am I going to sleep?"

"You wont need sleep since you're going to go out in a few" he grinned. How the eff does he know that

"Fine. My room it is" I groaned

After dragging him to the other side of the place to my room, I felt accomplished again. I attempted to just throw him on my bed, leaving him to sleep. But no. He just had to drag me down with him. He there layed on top of me as I struggled to get him off

"Rose. Are you here? Uh-um.......am I interrupting something?" Someone asked. I looked up.

"Alex, its not what it looks like"

End of chapter
I literally had no idea what I was writing

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