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This is the closest I have ever been with anyone..

In a literal way

"GET OFF ME NOW" I whined. Once again I find myself in a position. A very awkward position. No matter how many times I tried to roll him off me I can't get his grip off my arms

"You secretly love this" Joey smirked, gripping my arms tighter as I try to wriggle out. "It's also the only way to stop you from knocking me out with your bed side table" his voice was raspy and deep.

"By jumping on top of me?!" I questioned. I'm suprised of how much energy he has. We both haven't slept a full 8 hours and I'm exhausted. I used up all my energy on throwing whatever I saw in my room to him. I basically wasted all my energy on him. Pathetic. Just plain on pathetic

"I'm comfortable" he grinned with his breath fanning my skin. "We should do this more often" a cheeky smile appeared on his face. Thank goodness my back is against a soft surface and that he's not entirely heavy. If he tackled me to the floor instead of my bed, my back would have probably shatter.

"You're not saying no" he smirked

I too had to smirk. In less than a second I flipped us over so I was on top now. That came out wrong..

"Not even in a million years I would say yes" I said as I sat up and he did too with his back leaning against the wall now

"Is it weird now to say that I maybe sexually attracted to you, Rosie?" With that, my eyes widen and my stomach tightened. Did he just-fudge nuggets...

"Horny douchebag" I mumbled as I hit him with a pillow once again


"I say, let's get drunk at a bar tonight" Connie suggested, seeing the excitement in her eyes. Tiana squealed meaning she's agreeing with Connie. Tiana hasn't made any eye contact with me what so ever. Whenever I would talk she would just lower her head until I shut up. Brat.

"We're underage" I sighed. There is no way I'm ever getting drunk. Not with those maniacs. Connie can't even eat anything involved with sugar without getting a sugar rush. She has gotten arrested once but I'm not going to mention why

And tiana on the other hand. I don't even want to spend one second with her. Every time her name is mentioned I just think of betrayal. How dare she go out with the guy I've been crushing on for years and how long has this been going on for?

"Party pooper" Connie rolled her eyes at me. "Doesn't matter. I'm going no matter what"

"Yes! I am too! There might even be cute guys there" tiana giggled. I'm about to strangle her. First she goes out with Alex and now she wants to go meet some cute guys at some bar? Who knows. Maybe she'll flirt with the ones that already have girlfriends!

"I thought you already have a boyfriend, ti" I cooed. I try my best to hide my attitude but at times like this I just love being petty

"I don't know what you're talking about" she rolled her eyes

"I could have sworn you were on a date last night. You know......at the taco place?"

"You guys went to get tacos last night without me?" Connie spoke with her voice filled with a hurtful tone. Thats when i remembered that connie loves tacos. Oh shoot

"I didn't. Rose did" tiana pouted, placing the blame on me. Mother dog


"And I think she told me she was with markus." Tiana cut me off with a dirty lie as I was about explain. What. The actual-this is bullcrap! That's the last time she'll ever smirk..

"Rose, how could you!" Connie yelled in my face.  "You know how much I like Marcus!"

"I didn't-

"Just leave, rose . Obviously you're not needed here" tiana mumbled the last part. I felt like breaking down and crying on the spot right now. Half of the café is already staring at us and I didn't want to make an even bigger scene. So instead, I nodded standing up and swinging my bag over my shoulder

I don't know where I was going. All I know is that i need to get away as far from them as possible. I found myself walking the other direction from where I came but I don't care if I get lost

I couldn't call joey. He decided to apply for a job today and I didn't want to interrupt his interview. I'm just wondering hows he's going since he must be mega tired. I even had him drink 8 cups of coffee before he left to make sure he was okay. But he insisted that he would be fine for the day after the 3rd cup. I soared some energy bars in his jacket pocket anyway just in case. I sound like a mother but more importantly,  can you believe he's actually wearing clothes?

I sat down on a bench that was placed in front of a small shop about a block away from the café I was at before. I pulled out my phone a pressed the first contact number and I regret it so much

"Hello?" Alex's voice chirped through the phone

"Alex. Hey its me. Rose. I just wanted to see how you're going" I lied. I was originally going to call someone asking them for a lift back home and not to the apartment.

"Hey rose" he chuckled. "I'm just in hospital fixing my nose" he said so calmly

"That's good-wait what?!" I shrieked after realizing what he said. "Why are you in hospital? Are you okay-

"I'm fine. Its just your boyfriend came and bet me up" he explained. Boyfriend? What boyfriend?

"Well he had to be either a dream or imaginary because I don't have a boyfriend..."

"Does Joey ring a bell?" He said and I gritted my teeth

"Yes. Yes it does"

End of chapter
Sorry for the boring chapter.

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