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Uh oh

"Say his name again?" I asked. I'm not sure if I heard right

"Ethan. Reynolds. " She repeated more clear this time. Can someone pinch me? Or maybe even hit me with a shovel? "You'll know who he is when you see the hottest guy in the whole world" she grinned and I tried to smile. Oh please. I've seen better. In fact I have the hottest boyfriend in the whole world at my door right now

"Rosie " joey knocked as he croaked his words. "Baby I'm sorry"

Ignoring joey I went back to May who was blabbering about Ethan and how 'dreamy' he is. "Ethan is just so sweet and cute and he offered me to sit with him after the store was closed even if he wasn't allowed to stay, I let him" she shrugged. "We ended up talking for hours! Luckily my parents were out for the day. I really like him, rose" she beamed and cuddled her heart pillow as she sang in a croaky voice. Did I forget to mention that May is sick? She has the flu. That's why she is home FaceTiming me when she should be working. Her voice is deeper and more husky and her nose is like Rudolph.

But any who...How do I tell my best friend that she's in love with my bully?

You can't!

Ethan is disgusting! And she thinks he's nice?! I don't think anything he's done to me was nice! Once he tricked me into sitting on red paint. After that I was known as the first 6th grader to ever get her 'period'.

"Rose? Earth. to. rose" May said and clicked her fingers

I can't really blame her can I? I was in love with his best friend who was known to be like him. Alex and Ethan would always prank teachers and students through elementary and middle school. They were known as the 'popular' guys. But Alex soon quit and decided that he didn't want to be like Ethan.

"Rosie? I got pop tarts?" Joey knocked on my door once again

But maybe Ethan feels the same way about may...they would look cute together, not gonna lie. It could be true that he was actually nice to her and kind. But does he know that May is my best friend? Clearly not



"I need to meet him" I blurted to May who furrowed her eyebrows

"Wait hold up! Meet who and why did you say 'him' ?!" Barked Joey who stomped into my room, harshly swinging the door open

"Is that joey?" May asked as I forgot her voice sounded deeper because of her flu

"Are you talking to a boy?" Joey scowled and jumped in front of my laptop.

May waved as soon as she saw joey then let out a dry cough. Joey sat up and squinted. "Sorry. You just sound like a boy" joey murmured and I pushed him off my bed

"Joey!" I yelled like a mother

"I'm sorry! I dont know what I'm saying most of the time!" He defended himself and held his arms up in surrender

"May, sorry about that. He didn't mean it. " I apologized for joey then glared at him. "I got stuff to deal with now so can i call you back later?" I asked and she nodded, ending the call

"Is this your outfit for tomorrow?" Joey asked and held up the outfit I picked out

I nodded. I decided to wear on the skirt and a cute top my mum got me a few days ago. I thought that if i didn't try to look decent for school, people would mistake me for a homeless person.

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