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Joey's pov

I don't know why in this world I want her lips on mine so desperately again. Maybe its the softness of her lips or how she's just a good kisser in general. Now I wonder, has she been kissed before this whole incident? She Better not have shared a kiss with that douchebag Alex. He has messed up big time for choosing rosie's best friend over her. That's just dumb. Very dumb.

I don't know why in this world i felt so hurt when i saw that frown of Rosie's. Its not like i haven't seen that frown before. In fact she use to frown every time I would walk into her room. I wanted to punch Alex's so called "perfect" face of his until he begs for mercy. I want him to feel how hurt rosie was, but physically . I want him to bury himself alive and die in guilt

....Okay maybe that's a little too far

I started up my car again and started heading back to the taco place feeling anger take over my body. My jaw clenching, my teeth gritting as I speed down the road. Once I arrived, I jumped out of the car, slamming the door harshly and made my way inside

"Im here for Alex" I said as I scanned the room

"That would be me" I heard a voice from the back chirp

Just wait until I get this douche in his grave

Rolling up my sleeves I started storming up to the boy with the blue eyes. "You're so dead" I mumbled


"Joseph Matthew Birlem, I cant believe you!" My mom yelled out, not caring if people stare

Her thumb and index finger, yanking on my ear as she pulled me out of the police office

"Explain yourself" she glared

I knew I should have called Charles instead to bail me out of jail

"I was angry" I pathetically responded. At this moment I knew that she was either going to chuck me back in jail or just run me over with her car.

"You really are an idiot, joey" my little sister, Sophia groaned

"Shut up you little sh-

"What could you possibly be angry at?!" Mom continued. "Answer my question truthfully or else im sending you to a mental hospital for maniacs"

"That moron made me mad. He hurt rosie's feelings"

"Ooooo who's rosie?" Sophia smirked as her eye brows wriggled

"None of your damn business" I growled

"Don't talk to your sister like that!"

"Yeah. Don't talk to me like that" sophia innocently agreed with mom

I threw my head back, letting out a huge groan. "I just want to go home!"


Entering apartment, I wanted to go straight to bed since its already about 6am and the sun was already rising. But first. I urgently needed to talk to Rosie, but I didn't plan on waking her. But from the sound of things, I guess she was already awake

"Morning joey" Rosie smiled as I slowly entered her room

"What's with the smile?" I frowned, looking over to Charles who was sitting on her chair

"Is she not allowed to smile?" Charles joked. I let out a bitter laugh. What the heck is he doing here

"Charles was just telling me about his art" rosie said

"Joey, you didn't tell me your roommate was an artist too" i would have if she actually told me that herself

"I didn't know" i responded awkwardly with a silent sigh

"So when were you anyway?" Rosie asked, crossing her legs

I was just using your friend Alex as a punching bag

"No where that matters" I shrugged. I was definitely not in jail an hour ago

End of chapter
This chapter was rushed but I thought it would be fun doing a joeys pov

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