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"GET OFF ME NOW" I screamed

"I thought you would like my body against yours" he smirked

"This is so not fun. I. Cant. Breathe"

"Want me to give you mouth to mouth"

"As much as it would shut you up it would also make me suffer your bad breath with you" I innocently smiled

"Not my fault I fell" he shrugged

"Its your fault for suggesting this game"

"Your fault you agreed"

"Your fault-oh what the heck. This is going nowhere." I Groaned. For whoever is wonder what the heck is going on right now, so basically joeys on top of me.........that came out wrong. In easier ways, we're playing twister. It was the only thing that popped into his head at the time. I knew I shouldn't have put the colours red, yellow, green and blue for my sprinkles I had on my ice cream not long ago. He took one glance at my sprinkles and the words "LETS PLAY TWISTER" came out of his mouth. Damn you, sprinkles

"You.....wanna do......something else?" He asked

"Can you get off me first, then we'll discuss" I asked, rolled my eyes

He shrugged then nodded, rolling off from me. Finally. I let out a huge sigh while catching my breath

"Now, what to do"

"We could do something out of he apartment for a change" he suggested

"Like what?" I asked, turning my face to him

"There's a little café just next door" he replied. "I think it would be fun for you to finally get out of this apartment. You know, ever since you moved in you haven't stepped foot outside. If I didn't know better, id say you like to stay here because of my company-

"Say no more. The café it is" I cut him off. It really hasn't been that long has it? This is only my third day in this apartment. Im suprsied im not dead. I know Joey's a good guy. I just don't know how I feel about having him around. Almost every hour we fight. Almost every minute we insult each other. And almost every second we just hate on each other.

"Can I just say something first?" I asked, sitting up

"Sure" he said

"I think we started off on the wrong foot. Can we like......start over or something?" As much as I honestly enjoy our hate relationship, we came hate each other for the rest of our lives

"Yeah. I think that's best" he nodded

"Friends?" I held my hand out

"Friends" he accepted my hand


We got to the café half an hour later. I had to force him to wear a shirt because he was somehow couldn't be bothered to wear a shirt. And plus. Im a girl and girls need to take their time to get ready. You never know if you're gonna see a cute guy

We sat at the table outside of the café. The café was cute and a little fancy. It had a France themed to it.

"Im joey by the way" he grinned as we sat down.

"Im rose" I replied

"Can I call you Rosie?" He asked a bit eager

"Seeing you already do so then I will make an exception" I giggled

"Wait seriously" he asked, suprsied

I nodded. "I honestly don't mind it coming from you"

".........Because you like me"

"Fight me"

"Admit it, Rosie"

"Im leaving"

"So soon?"


"No?" He questioned

"Only because those poached eggs look good" I scoffed

"You're interesting, Rosie. Very interesting

End of chapter
Smh I honestly think this chapter sucks ahahah

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