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calm down rose marlin. You're just overacting.....

"I-um.....uh like tacos" I spat out. You're really smart, rose

"Oh uh....i like tacos too" he said back, unsure of where I got that topic from. Welp at least he saved me from looking like a total idiot. For goodness sake, rose, you already look like a total idiot. "Maybe we could go out for tacos sometime" he said.

"Sometime?" I questioned. Is this boy really asking me out? In a bathtub?

"Or......we could go now of youd like-

"No. I mean.......its wayyy too late and I much rather tomorrow?" I suggested

"Its a date" he smiled

Who else is shook

"Date?" I asked

"You don't know what a date is?" He chuckled

"I know what I date is. Just don't tell me you're falling for me, Birlem. I mean you are the one who didn't want to who roommate romance" I grinned

"I go out with girls all the time and haven't fallen for them" he stated

I felt my stomach grumble. I literally just had pizza and now my stomach wants more?

"2am tacos?" I suggested. You gotta give what the stomach wants

"I'll go get my keys" joey chuckled before leaving me in the bathtub alone. I sighed to myself then brought my legs up to my chest, rolling myself in a ball. Maybe he's not the bad after all. Maybe I misjudged him. Sure he does go out with different girls day by day but maybe he actually has true feelings?......who am I kidding

"Rosie!" Joey yelled out from the living room which snapped me out from my thoughts

"Coming!" I yelled back


This is exactly what I need. Having tacos at 2am with someone that you can probably talk to for hours. But I have a question......

Who eats tacos at 2am?

"Its so neat.......so pretty" I smiled at the taco paced in front of me

"Eat it already" joey groaned. "This is bothering me that you haven't even taken a bite yet"

"But its so beautiful-I don't want to ruin it" I whined

"If something is beautiful, id want to eat it up........all night-

"Lets go to church this Sunday!" I cut him off. I think I lost my appetite

He chuckled. "Oh Rosie" he said. "I admire you"


"Not drunk"

What is this boy doing to me?!

He settled his laughter as his eyes squinted behind me. "I guess we're not the only ones that decided to get tacos at 2am" he shrugged

I was confused for a moment but finally looked behind me in the direction he was looking at. Not even a second its been looking and I already felt like someone had punched me in the stomach. I felt my eyes grow heavy and tears were tempted to stream out. The smile i had on my lips, dropped In a split second

How could she? How could they?

There I saw tiana and Alex sitting at the back of the restaurant alone. smiling, laughing. Tiana slid her hand on his shoulder as she bring him closer to her. Their faces were literally centimetres apart. I couldn't believe that she was sitting with the boy I had fallen for for years. She knows I like him. But she knows she doesn't care

"Rosie, are you okay?" I heard joey ask

I turned my head for my eyes to meet with joeys."im fine" was all that came out

"That's every girls excuse to the opposite of what they're actually feeling" joey said in a serious tone. "Now let me ask you again, are you okay?" He repeated but this time more clear and slow

"Can we go home" my voice muffled as I stared down

"Yeah" he responded causing me to look up. "Lets get out of here" he nodded


After paying and ending up taking my taco in a take away box, we left the restaurant. Joey started up the car then we drove to our apartment. I stayed silent the whole trip. My mind was going all over the place. Her and him? Him and her? Them? Then I came top the conclusion where I realised that this is what fake friends do. Its just another fake friend and another crush that I thought knew

Suddenly, joey pulled over and stopped the car

"What are you doing?" I asked

"The tank is empty" he said which made me confused

"But It says the tank is full-

"Tell me what's wring Rosie. Its bothering me that you're not okay" he cut me off with those sudden words

"Its been a long night I just need some rest-

"Im not starting the car until you tell me what's wrong" he demanded with his voice growing

"I-I don't know what you're talking about-

"I know you know what im talking about" he growled

Do I really have a choice?

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Alex. He's the problem"

"How-why-wait what happened?" He asked

"He was at the restaurant with....." I tried saying. For some reason it hurts to say. "........With tiana " I finally said

His lips parted a little then he looked ahead then nodded, starting the car again. He didn't say anything. All he did was make a turn towards the restaurant again

"Where are we going?" I asked

"I uh.....left my wallet at the restaurant" he hesitated. The funny thing is that his wallet was right next to him...

"Joey" I said

"Rosie, let me handle this" he said. "Let me finish them" he mumbled. I knew he didn't want me to hear that

"Joey no. Stop the car right now" I demanded

He ignored me then kept driving

"JOEY!" I yelled. He looked at me for a split second then hit the breaks of the car making us jump out of out seats. Luckily our seat belts stopped us from flying out the window

My heart raced fast and I looked over to him, not feeling as safe as I was before

His eyes met mine as he sighed, looking guilty. "Im sorry" he mumbled

The next thing I found myself wrapping my arms around his neck and connecting our lips

End of chapter
Sorry for being inactive with this book is all I can say

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