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"far out!" Joey's shriek rung through my ears which caused me to shoot up from my bed. What the heck?! Its like.......6am? That's when i started to hear a sizzling noise coming from the kitchen and a burning smell took over the air below my nose

What has he done this time?

I got out of my bed and jogged to the kitchen where I found joey who was making eggs but his body as far away from the stove as possible as if he was scared of getting burnt

"What's going on?" I asked, walking closer to him

His head snapped into my direction and his eyes widen. "I-um...nothing" he mumbled then turned his back towards me and covered the stove with his body

"I saw the eggs, joey" I crossed my arms over my chest, raising an eyebrow

His shoulders sloughed as he sighed then turned around. "I was scared of the oil popping" he explained. "But suprsie" he turned around with the saucepan with a nervous smile

"Suprsie?" I questioned in confused as I furrowed my eyebrows

"Yeah" he said then made his way to the table, placing the eggs on the plates that were surrounded with other plates filled with bacon and pancakes. "I wanted to suprsie you with a nice morning breakfast without eating pop tarts" he answered

"Why all the sudden?" I grinned starting to feel more curious. I sat down at the table as he brought the orange juice out

"Since we're official now I want to do things right in a relationship. I've never actually been in a serious relationship where I've been....." He hesitated ." well. when I've liked someone this much before" he continued and I nodded

"Thank you, joey. This looks great" I smiled, admiring what he had done for me and what had just come out of his mouth

He blushed. "I-uh also got you these" he said, grabbing something from behind him.

They were roses

Oh I see what he did there

"Roses for my rosie " he sheepishly smiled. "I was going to put them on your bed side table so you could wake up to them. But things didn't plan out the way I wanted things to be" he nervously scratched the back of his neck

"They're lovely" I smiled once again, leaning over and kissed his cheek. Can we just take a moment and appreciate him? He woke up extra early and bought me roses just to suprsie me. And its even more adorable when it didn't go as planned. No but has ever done anything this nice to me before. For once in my life, I feel loved

His cheeks flushed red, the colour of the roses

Then I noticed something

"Hey, you're wearing a shirt" I giggled. Is it bad that I miss him being shirtless?

"I had to. I found some cameras in my bedroom" he rolled his eyes and I furrowed my eyebrows. "Felicity" he said in disgust

How did she manage to set up cameras in his room? And how did she mange to get into the apartment? We started locking the doors after that night Charles came in and looked after our stuff for us. Since then, we've gone into a habit of checking if the doors are locked. Joey does that especially when he's in my room. And before you get any ideas....nothing happened ya nastys

"Oh" was all I said

"Yeah...." He sighed "Welp. Lets dig in" he changed the subject

Im worried for him. If felicity is this obsessed with him, what will happen next?

End of chapter
Its midnight so sorry for the short chapter
I tried to make it good enough

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