Cursed 1 🌸

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3rd person's POV

It was a sunny day when Lisa and Rose decided for a walk. They grab their handbags before walking out of their dorm leaving the two elders inside.

"Lisa can you please hold my ice cream for a while?" Rose

"Sure." She grab the ice cream on Rose's hand and walk to sit on the bench.

But before she was able to sit she found a shiny thing on the grass. By her curiousity, she walk towards that shiny thing. It was a tape. A recording tape.

"There you are. You just leave me there with my ice cream you dumbass!" Rose nag at her but she didn't care, she was very curious about the tape.

"What's that?" Rose ask when she noticed the tape on Lisa's hand.

"I don't know, I just saw it here so yeah." Lisa explained.

"Look there's a note saying 'Watch me'. Interesting." Rose added.

"Let's bring this at home." Then they turn their heels to go home.


At home.

"Where the two of you been?! Ive been looking fo the two of you for three fckin' hours!" Jisoo shouted at them exactly when Lisa and Rose opened the door.

They look at smirking Jennie sitting at the sofa in their living room also looking at them. Jennie is as savage as fck but she's the one who cares the most.

"Sorry unnie. We just went for a walk." Rose apologized.

"Hayys. Forget it. Atleast you came home without any parts of your body missing." Jisoo said and walk to the kitchen.

Lisa and Rose sat infront of Jennie who's still smirking like a psychopath.

"Unnie, look at this." Lisa waved the tape infront of Jennie's face.

"What's with that old dirty tape? You guys are weird." She said and go back to being poker.

"There's something written says 'Watch me'. Sounds interesting right?" Rose added.

Jennie grab the tape from lisa's hand and stood up from her seat. "Don't pick up unknown things again young ladies. What if this is cursed?!" Jennie blurted.

"What? Youre ridiculous unnie." Lisa laughed.

"Do believe in curse?!" Rose also laughed her ass out with Lisa.

"Im just joking." Jennie said before leaving the youngers still laughing.

She opened the door of her room and sat on her bed.

"What the hell is this thou?" She said while examining the tape.

The tape is very old and dirty. It looks like it was burried years ago.

"There will nothing change if I watch this right?" She asked herself but she just shrug it off and walk to the tv to watch that tape.

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