Cursed 11 🌸

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[Day 4]


"Guys are you sure this is the right way?" Jimin asked again for the nth time.

"Yes! And it's according to the google map!" I shouted at him. God bless this mochi.

"Amp. Just asking."

"Asking for a hundred times oppa?" Jennie also said with an annoyance on her face.

"Fine! I'll shut up." He said in defeat.

We just follow the google map where the Hospital is. I hope this sht is right. If not, I swear I won't buy gucci anymore.

After minutes of walking we finally arrived at a building with a name "Pyuncheong Hospital". This is it.

"Let's go." Suga hyung.

We all walk inside but..

"I'll stay here. I can't face the psycho's inside." Hobi hyung said and we just let him wait outside. That's his will, nothing's bad.

While walking, I grab Jennie's hand. For I feel she's nervous.

"Are you okay?" I asked her still my eyes are focusing on the road.

"Uh yeah. Just a little bit nervous." I knew it.

"It's going to be alright." I caressed her hand to make her feel im with her. That she's not alone with this fight. We're all here to help her.


"Uhm excuse me maam. Can we ask about the case 20 years ago about the old Hospital?" Namjoon oppa asked the nurse.

"Uhm im sorry but im new here. I can't answer you guys sorry."

"Oh uhm it's okay thank you." Jungkook.

"But you can ask Doctor Lee about that." She smiled the sweetest while looking at Tae.

Damn!! NOW WHAT?! IS SHE STEALING MY MAN?! Wait.. What? Nah. Maybe im just still sleeping.

Taehyung pull me cause im not moving on my spot.

"Hey, let's go." He said. He looks at me like there's something's wrong. Well there is!! That stupid nurse sufryshsuwiskw!!! I hate you -_-

I just let myself to be pulled by Taehyung. Well I lost my mood because of that nurse. Aish -_- What's happening to me?

We stop at the white door. Is this the doctor's clinic?

Taehyung opened the door and peeked inside.

"He's here." He said.

He opened the door widely so that we can all enter the room.

"Goodmorning Doctor Lee." I greeted him.

"Oh? Hello kids. Goodmorning." He greeted back.

"What can I help you?"

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