Cursed 9 🌸

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"Are we there yet?" I ask again.

"Almost Jiminie oppa." Jennie answered me.

"Im tired!!" I whined and pouted.

"Hahahaha you're so cute oppa. Just like Chaeyoung." Jennie again said.

Wut? No way! Im way more cuter than her. But yeah, she's kinda cute.

"What?! Unnie take that back! He ain't cute!" Rosé whined.

"Nah. Im just being honest here Rosé." Jennie said while wearing her famous smirk.

"Aurgh! I hate you!" Rosé

"I love you too." Jennie teased her.

How cute is she when she's like that. Wait what? What are you saying Jimin? Gosh! Erase! Erase!

"We're here." Suga hyung said.

It was an old house. I guess it's 25 to 30 years old house. Coooool!!

I run towards the house but Suga hyung pull the collar of my polo shirt.


"Not too fast little Jiminie." He said with a smirk while unlocking the gate.

"What the?! You're only a centimeter tall!" I whined.

"Still." He said and open the gate wide.

We step into the house and woah! It's looks like a museum! There's a lot of antique vases and paitings also chandeliers.

"Cool!!" Jungkook excitedly said.

"Unnie look! An hour glass!" Lisa said while holding an hour glass.

"That's mine Lisa." Jennie said while putting down her bag.

"Oh? This is so cool unnie." Lisa again said.

After we take a small rest, Yoongi hyung and Jennie set the roomates. Me and Hoseok hyung. Taehyung and Jungkook. Jin and Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung has his own room.

For the girls. Jennie and Jisoo while Lisa and Rosé.

"Chim, what's with that face?" Hoseok hyung asked me while he was making his bed.

"Im hungry." I said as I pouted my lips.

"You always hungry." Hoseok hyung.

Amp! Why does am I always hungry? Are those worms inside my tummy? Oh no no. A big no-no!!


"Hyung!!!" Kookie whines for the nth time.


"I want to be Jennie noona's roomate!" He said making his most adorable face.

"Why do you want to be her roomate?!" I asked.

"Because I love her stories!"

Why does this kid so annoying

"Go ask Yoongi hyung!" I said as I motion my hands like shooing him away.

But he sit still. Bet he surrender now.

"You guys hungry?" The door suddenly opened then someone peeked on the door.

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