Cursed 5 🌸

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"Aish! Why does I left it in the locker?! Now I need to go back!" I stomped my feet while walking back to my locker.

I didn't get to come with Lisa and the others to the newly opened cafe down the street. Aurgh! Damn that phone!

While I was walking, I can feel the shivers running down my spine. It was really creepy but I just shove it away and continue to walk. When Im in the middle of the hallway I saw the Admin's office was open and it's light was flickering. Does Mrs. Choi is there? Or the lights was just the problem?

I walk towards the room and peeked at the door. I saw a guy lying on the ground while his back facing me. The body built, the hair, I know this guy.

I have the feeling that I know this guy so I walk towards him. I poked his back but there's no respond. So I grab his shoulder and make him face me.

"YOONGI!" I shouted.

"YOONGI WAKE UP!" I slap his cheeks gently to wake him up but no use!

I pick up my phone and dialed a random number.

['Hello?'] Said the other line.

"Help!" I shouted scared.

['Jennie? Where are you?!'] Oh thank God it's Seokjin oppa!

"Admin's office! Please! I need your help oppa." I begged.

['We're coming! Stay put!'] Then the line was cut off.

"Oppa please wake up!" I said while crying and hugging his head.

I don't want to lose him. He's special to me. He's a brother, a bestfriend, a protector, a prince, a knight in shining armor. He's everything to me so please! I need him to wake up!

"Remember what you said last time? You said you'll buy me gucci if I pass my math exam this sem!"

I just cry and cry untill Seokjin oppa arrived with the other boys and the girls.

"Jennie what happened?!" Jisoo unnie ran towards me and hugged me.

"I don't know. When I enter this room, I just saw him unconcious." I said.

"Let's bring him to the hospital." Namjoon oppa said and Jungkook carry Yoongi oppa.


"Doc, how's my brother? Is he okay?" I said.

"Oh yeah. He just need to rest a bit. It was just an over fatigue. Please tell him to rest even just a bit. He always tortured his self." The Doctor said and walk away.

I opened the door and walk in. I saw my brother laying on a hospital bed unconcious. A tear escape from my eye. This isn't a scene I want to see. I want him to be happy and smiling but look at him now! There is a small tube planted on his hand and it's disgusting to see! It's my fault. I know it's not just an over fatigue. It's Samantha's work.

"Im sorry oppa. If I just come in time, I was able to save you from her." I said crying while caressing his hand.

"Jennie, it's not your fault. It's no one's fault." Namjoon oppa said.

"It was me oppa! It was Samantha's doings! If I didn't watch that shitty tape, we are all living peacefully now!" I shouted.

"Jennie calm down! It's not your fault okay?!" Taehyung said and hugged me.

I calm down a bit still holding Yoongi's hand untill I felt his hand moved.

"Aurgh.." A groan escape from his mouth.

"Oppa! Youre awake! Are you feeling okay?"

"Im okay Jennie and by the way, where am I?" He asked.

"Youre in the Hospital hyung, Jennie saw you at the admin's office unconcious." Hobi oppa explained.


"I knew it!"

"She attacked me. She said I need to stay away from you."

What? Why does Samantha pushing my brother away from me? What's her plan?

After a moment of silence, my phone rang.



"Mom! Why did you call?"

['You need to see this. Come home now baby. This may help you.]

"I'll be there." I cut the phone call.

"I need to go now. I'll come back here. I need to see mom."

When I was at the door frame, Taehyung spoke.

"I'll go with you."


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