Cursed 2 🌸

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**Lisa's POV

After Jennie unnie got discharged from the clinic we headed home. Unnie told us everything she saw and for me it was really creepy, no it was scary! If I didn't brought that tape at home then everything's gonna be fine but no. It happened. Im so stupid! Why did I brought that tape?!

"Lisa!" I came back from reality when I heard Jisoo unnie scream.

"Ah yeah?"

"Im talking to you but your mind is flying to Jungkook!"

"Yah! Unnie! What are you talking about Jungkook?! Im thinking of what happened to Jennie unnie!"

"Yea yea whatever." She said then she walk away. Aish! That unnie!

I walked towards the tv and turn it on since im in the living room. Today was Saturday and it's really really really boring!

"Lisa! Rosé and I will be out for groceries. You'll stay to look for Jennie, arraseo?!" Jisoo unnie said while Rosé was beside her with some eco bags.

"Yes unnie." I answered then they're off to groceries.

I was just watching tv for about 15 minutes when I heard something crash upstairs. I suddenly rose up from my seat.

"Unnie?" I called but silence answered me.

"Unnie is that you?" I called once again but still no ones answering.


"Unnie!!!!" I screamed and ran upstairs.

I was sweating like a pig when I heard a scream in Jennie and Jisoo unnie's room so I ran towards their room and when I open the door, Jennie unnie was in the corner crying for pete's sake!

"Unnie are you okay?" I asked her but when she look up, her eyes grew big.

"Unnie what's wrong?"

"Don't. Move." She said while looking at my back.

"Unnie what's happening?!" I asked and when I was about to touch her face someone pull my feet and drag me away from her.


"Unnie!!! Help me!" I screamed and trying to escape from the monster's grip but no, he's so strong!

He drag me until I exited the room. I was crying and screaming from the top of my lungs but no avail he's still dragging me. When I reach the first step of the stairs, Jennie unnie was standing outside of our room.

"LET HER GO!" She shouted.

Then the dragging stopped. I get up from the floor and ran to my unnie. I hugged her so tight. I was shaking. So it's true? That tape is cursed!

She release from hug and stand infront of me like she's protecting me.


I peeked on who's unnies talking to. And fck! It's a shadow! Forming a little girl.

"Im sorry but it won't stop." The girl said in a creepy yet sweet voice.

We went silent for seconds and the shadow is now fading but creepy is...

"Unnie.." I called her.

She turn at me with her assuring smile but it suddenly fades away when she saw me look so scared.


Cursed || blackpink x bts [Horror]Where stories live. Discover now