Cursed 17 🌸

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"You good now?" He asked me.

"Yeah, thanks for the food." I answered him. Bowing my head down. We're in a park bench in the middle of the night.

"Jennie.." Did he just called my name with sincerity?


"Look at me."

I shook my head no. Im so shy to face him after whatI did.

"Jennie, look at me. C'mon."

"No." I sounds like tearing up.

He held my cheeks with his both hands and make me look at him. Damn! I miss this face so much.

"Jennie. Tell me what happened."

"I can't. Im sorry." And that's it. I cried.


"Because if I tell you. Samantha's gonna kill you! I can't let her do that Taehyung!"


"It's just.. I can't see you die."


"C'mon! Because.."

I can just tell him that he's my friend so I can't let him die but why can't I?


"Damn! Because I LOVE YOU!" I shouted and cried more.

"I love you Tae. I don't want to lose the man I love because of me. So please, leave me alone." I stood up from my seat and about to go but a pair of hands grab me.

And by that time everything feels perfect. His lips pressing against mine. I was so shocked that I can't move.

"I love you too Jennie." He said after the kiss.

"We will fight this together. Just trust me. No one will get harmed." He continued.


"I promise."



"Kookie..." I heard a voice after I entered the house.

"Where have you been?" And then I saw Seokjin hyung sitting on the couch in the living room.

"I.. Im out for a snack." I excused.

His eyebrows went up like he don't believe my excuse.

"Snack? We have a lot snack in the Kitchen and it's midnight you idiot! What if something happens to you outside?!" He scolded.

"Ok ok. Im sorry hyung. I won't do it again." I pologized and walk upstairs.

After I entered my room, I throw myself unto the bed. Aahhh! Feels better.

I stare at the ceeling and flashbacks run through my mind of what happened lately. I think she's in a good hand now.

Are you guys asking why does Taehyung hyung is outside this midnight? I called him. I think Jennie will listen if he's the one who talks to her and im right.

I know Taehyung hyung won't harm Jennie. He loves her and knowing him? He would do anything to protect her.



"Unnie?" I called and knocked on the door.

"Jisoo Unnie? Are you crying again?" I calles again but still no response.

She was crying every night since Jennie left. Maybe she was sad to realize that she sleeps in the room alone now. Her roomate ran away. I wish Jennie unnie is fine.

"Lisa. Let's leave her alone." Rosé.


"No buts. Let's go!" She push me away from Jisoo unnie's door.


wish we can find Jennie unnie now.


[Day 15]


I stare at her sleeping soundly. She really is looks like an angel.

"Hmm." She moan.

The sun rays touching her cheeks.

"Tae?.." Did she just? Moan my name?!

"Uh yeah?" I feel so awkward rn.

"I love you."

"I love you too Jenjen." I respond and kissed her forehead.


Cursed || blackpink x bts [Horror]Where stories live. Discover now