Cursed 22 🌸

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Im still waiting. Waiting for her to come back. But I think she'll never will.

Im at the park breathing some fresh air while sitting on a swing.

"Oppa! Oppa!" I saw Lisa running towards me.

It's been 2 weeks since they knew about Jennie is missing and I already apologized by not telling them.

"Oh Lisa? What's the matter?"

She stop infront of me while huffing.


"Hyung! Hyung!!!" I saw Jungkook also running towards me from the opposite way Lisa from.

"Jungkook? Why? What's the matter?"

"I--- Lisa?! Yah! Why are you here?!"

"I have a business with Taehyung oppa, now go!"

"Huh! I have a business with him too! You just pretending to have some business with him so you can see me!"

"Yah! You---"

"Aish kids! Stop it! Just spit it out."

They glared at each other before Lisa spoke.

"We recieve this letter early in the morning oppa. We dont know who sent this."

She handed me a black envelope with a red rose on the center.

"You recieve that too?" Jungkook said looking at the envelope Im holding.

"What do you mean Kookie?"

"We recieve that too hyung. I found it in the mail box after you left for a walk."

We and the girls recieve it too? That's odd.

"Taehyung!! Taehyung!!"

"Mrs. Kim? Dont tell you recieve something like this too?" I wave the envelope infront of her.


What would this be??


"Open it Taehyung!"

"If you wanted to open it, you open it hyung."

"A-ah I change my mind."

"Yah Jin!" Jisoo unnie spank Jin hyung in the head and fight for a nonsense thing. Kids.

"I'll open it." Suga hyung volunteered.

I handed him one of the envelopes. He opened and it he looks confused.

"What it says hyung?" Hobi hyung peeked at the paper.

"It says,

I was once suffer here,
And died and pain.
I gathered all the fear,
All the memories died in vain.

For once I became a demon,
Half way to hell.
For today it happen,
I will end it all.

Come to my place,
Where you have sinned.
Gather all the pace,
And find who have sinned."

"Come to my place?" Namjoon hyung asked.

If Samantha send this poem. Hmm. Died and suffer? Place? It's probably in that old mental hospital where she died.

"I know where we can find her." I said with a smirk on my face.


"Are you sure we can find her here oppa?" Rosé asked me.

"Im sure Chaeyoung, trust me." She just nod for agreement.

We entered the hospital and it's creepy as ever. It's a little bit dark since we travel from Seoul for I dont know how many hours and the sun is setting now.

"Hello?" Mrs. Kim shouted.

But no one answered. Her voice just echoed through the walls.

We walked and walked untill we reach the 2nd floor.

"Awee another stairs?" Jimin whined.

"To the 3rd floor I guess."

It's totally dark now. I think it's 6 pm. Im the one who leads the way so Im the one who first have a step to the stairs but I stopped. I heard some light foot steps. Someone walking from above.

A shadow form from the end of the stairs. And a devilish smile form from her face.

"Welcome, fools."



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