Cursed 8 🌸

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[Day 1]


"Im hungry!" Jin oppa whines for the nth time now.

We're in our dorm searching for some answers. We're all reviewing the papers my mom gave me. It's a big box so it's kinda plenty. I need help.

"C'mon guys! Let's lunch!" Jin oppa.

"Lunch?! Srsly?! It's just passed 10 and lunch?! We're supposed to have lunch at 12!" Jisoo unnie shouted at him.

"Fine!" He said in defeat and cross his arms on his chest and pouted.

"Guys look." Taehyung said and handed me an old notebook.

I opened the notebook and read the first page.

"Sammy's Journal." I asked him.

It's just an old brown notebook. I bet she used to have her journal.

"That her journal?! Read it! Read it!" Jungkook excitedly shake my arm.

"Calm down okay?" Jimin oppa said while he pull Jungkook away from me.

I flip another page and read the text.

Dear diary,

It was a very shiny day! I love playing with may twin sister, Sahara. We played and played all day! I love her soooooo much! She's my bestfriend. I won't leave her behind, ever. I hope we will have fun again tomorrow.

Sammy ♡

"What it says?!" Jungkook

"Nothing special it's just an ordinary entry of what happened to her all day." I said and flip another page again.

Dear diary,

Im sorry diary if I haven't write her this past few days. Ive been sick for three days now. Im so weak that I can't even stand but I feel better now. I have my sister beside me and some of my friends.
They're so great diary! They told me a lot of stories for me to sleep.

Sammy ♡

"Any special?" Namjoon oppa asked.

"Hmm she said she has friends and they told her some stories for her to sleep." Friends? During night? That's odd.

I flip another page again and started to read it aloud this time.

"Dear diary,

I don't know what's happening to me. My friends became bad. They hurt me, they pushed me and they're pushing me to do something bad to my sister. If I don't do it, they'll harass me. They'll punch me, tweak my hair. I don't know why are they doing this to me. And when I fall asleep they're keep flashing in my dreams. I hope they will disappear. And oh! My friends live under my bed they------- And the page was torn off."

"I bet it's what she said the monsters under her bed." Hobi oppa.

"Well I guess so." Rosé

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