Cursed 23 🌸

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I can't believe this. So she's the one who sent those envelopes? Please tell me im wrong.

She was wearing her devilish smile that was new to me while holding a.. KNIFE?!

"Ready to die?"


Then at that moment. I found myself running. Im sweating like a pig. Damn! We need to get out of here. Jennie is out of her mind!

"How hard you hide, i'll still find you... Sahara."

Sahara? Who's that?

I ran to the exit but fck it was locked!! How can we get out?

I was planning to run again but something cold touch my nape.

"Gotcha." She got me.



After Mrs. Kim shouted to run. Jungkook grab my hand and we both ran to nowhere.

We're hiding in one of the cabinets here in the hospital. Im so confused. Why did Jennie unnie wants to kill us?

"That's not Jennie." I look at Jungkook who's seriously looking at me.

"W-what do you mean?"

"I think Samantha took over her body."

Oh God. Please save Jennie unnie.


Isnt that Taehyung oppa?

"Sht it's Taehyung hyung."

"What should we do Kookie? Im scared." Im so scared rn to the point I started to cry.

"Shh dont cry. Im here, im going to protect you no matter what."

Im lucky to have Jungkook by my side.





Chaeyoung cover my mouth to stop me from yelling Taehyung's name.


"It's Taehyung! What if something happened to him?!" I shouted at her almost whisper.

"Taehyung is strong! For all he gone through you think he cant handle this?!"

Oh damn she's right. Whooo just trust Taehyungie chimchim. He can do this.



"Omayghad omayghad!!!!" I shouted while running.

Jisoo was leading the way while she's holding my hand.

"Oh c'mon Jin! Shut up!"

"What?! Im scared!!!!"

"Do you think im not?!"

Oh right. She's the girl here but why am I the over acting one? Aish! So gay Jin! C'mon! Be a man!

"Hey kiddo's." We stop running when we saw Jennie from the end of the hallway smiling at us. She's holding a knife and her clothes have some blood stains on it.

Oh we're fck up.


Mrs. Kim/Sahara

I saw Taehyung leaning on the wall holding his left arm. He's bleeding.

"Taehyung! What happened?"

"Jennie stab me. Lucky, I ran away."

Jennie? Nah, that's not Jennie. That's Samantha. I guess she's having her revenge of what I did to her years ago.


"Jin hyung!" Taehyung wrapped her left arm with his hanky.

He was about to run to save his friends but I stop him.

"You cant save them. I can."

I am the one Samantha needs. I know she's just using Jennie to capture me.

I run where Jin are. Im giving up my life to save this kids and Jennie.

I saw Jennie walking towards them while Jin and Jisoo are running towards me.

"Mrs. Kim! Run!!"

I shook my head and smiled. I run passed them to meet Jennie.

"Hi Sahara, im death."

She smiled like she doesnt know me. Im sorry Jennie, you suffered because of me. Let's end this now.




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