Cursed 16 🌸

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"NOONA!!!" I shouted when I confirmed that it was Jennie noona.

"Noona where are you?!" I run around the fountain but there's no sign of her.

"Im here." She's walking from the woods bowing her head down.

I run to her and hug her tight. I miss this noona.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

She shook her head. "Nothing. Im fine." She said still bowing her head.

"Noona? Is there something wrong?" I asked.

She look up to me and then I saw her tears are falling down to her cheeks.

"Im sorry." The last thing she said before running away from me and disappeared in the dark.

Noona. What's happening to you?



I run as fast as I can to get away from Jungkook.

What happened to me inside the woods was very traumatic. Samantha did it again. She attacked me.


I was sitting near the fountain and waiting for Jungkookie. Ive been here 3 hours now. Yeah im an early bird.

While I was still waiting, I heared someone called my name.


I thought it was Kookie so I peeked behind me but there's no one.

"Who is there?" I asked but silence answered me.

It was in the middle of the night so it's a bit scary and plus there's no one around.

"Jennie." The voice called me again but now, I know it was coming from the woods.

I stood up from my seat and walk slowly towards the woods.

"Is anyone there?"

"Nice to see you again my neice."

And there was a girl standing not far from me. Smiling sweet but creepy and looking sharp at me.

"S-samantha?" I stuttered.

"Yes my neice. Did you miss me?" She smirked.

"N-no. No!!" I shouted and about to run but she was so fast. She grab me by the neck and pull me inside the woods.

"You can't run and you can't hide from me Jennie." She laugh like a witch.

"S-samantha.. P-please. L-leave me alone!" I hardly breath but im still fighting for my life.

"No! You're going to come with me Jennie." Then she tighten her grip.

"Auntie. Please im begging." I almost tear up but I can't.

"No!!!!" She shouted and throw me.


My back slam to the tree infront of us.

"Does it hurts Jennie? That's nothing for what I felt last 20 years." She look at me like she's going to kill me.

She slowly walking towards me.

"HELP ME!!!!" I shouted but I know no ones going to help me.

"NOONA!" I-is that Kookie?

I stood up and about to run to Kookie but then again Samantha grab me by the jaw and look at me sharp.

"Im going to let you go this time but in one condition..."

"Go away far from your love ones. Especially your friends or else im going to kill them. Don't try me Jennie." Then she harshly let go of me.

I was just looking at her fading in the dark.

I walk out the woods bowing down my head while my tears are non-stop flowing down to my face.

*End of Flashback*

I was so afraid that time. I thought it was my ending but im wrong.

I can't let Samantha kill my friends. I'll offer my life to her if ever she want's to kill them.

I was just walking down the dark alley alone. Im tired of being like this. I just wanted to rest... forever.

I can't go home too. I don't want my mom to get involve. She still thinks that we're still in Daegu. Im sorry mom I have to do this.

Im just still walking like a zombie and still crying.


I almost jump out of my skeletal system after hearing that voice.

I turn my head to see who called me.
And there was a young man standing right infront of me. Damn! I miss this man so much.



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