Cursed 7 🌸

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"Do you think this will help us?" Taehyung glance at me while were driving back to the hospital.

"I think so. We have the hospital records of Samantha so maybe we an study it to find out what really happened to her." I stated.

"Youre right."

In no time, we arrived at the hospital. We hurriedly walk to Yoongi's room and to our surprise their face are all pale.

"What happened here? You all look awful." Taehyung said.

"Fck! Im sure I can't sleep tonight." Jhope whines.

"Me too." Jimin

"Hey hey, why? What happened?" I asked them then Jisoo handed me a picture.

For pete's sake! It's creepy! I want to shit in my pants rn! Who did this? Or maybe it's just a prank.

"Maybe it's just a prank guys."

"Who would be?"

"Samantha." Rosé

"She's attacking again." She added.

"Oh about that. Look what mom found." Taehyung place the box down.

"What's all this?"

"It's Samantha's old medical records. We think it can help us." I said.

They look at the paper in the box.

"She's 8 years old? Pretty young huh." Namjoon oppa said while reading her bio.

"So she was confined at the hospital because of her mental illness?" He added.

"Were not sure if it's really her illness but when you look at the other side, it's kinda paranormal." Taehyung stated.

They continue to look on what's inside then a small casset recorder caught my attention. I pick it up then press the play button.

First it was just a buzzing sound but seconds later someone speaks.

['Im Ilyanah Savins.']

Everyone stops on what theyre doing and listens to the tape.

['Im the current nurse of Samantha Lurkins. Whoever is listening to this, I want you to know that it was all wrong. Everything is a lie. I always said this to the faculty but no one believes me.']

"What does she mean?" Jungkook asked.

"Shh!" Jisoo

['I know im not going to stay longer in this world cause she's hunting me. Whoever listening to this please take this to Helena Gordon. She can help yo-----']

Then the tape was cut off by a screaming girl. Okaaaay. Now what?

"That's creepy. Everything's creepy." Jhope.

"We need to find that Helena." I said.

"We will. After Yoongi will discharge." Taehyung.


5 days later

"Are you sure. This is the way?" I asked Taehyung cause he's holding the sketch.

"Yes and for a matter of fact. We're here." He said.

We're all standing in an old house. Probably an antique one. It was very old. It looks like it will wreck in just one blow.

"Let's go?" Jisoo unnie said.

We walk to the old house and knock on the door, but no one respond.

"I think no one lives her----" Hobi oppa's statement was cut due to the door open by itself. Okkaaayy?

"That's odd." Jimin said.

"Let's just go inside." Taehyung said while his hand making it's way to mine.

"Stay close.." he whispered to me and intertwined our hands.

We walk inside the house. It looks cool thou. It has chandeliers and old paintings. It looks like someone rich live here but just don't mention the looks outside.

"Hello?" Namjoon oppa.

"Is anybody home?" I shouted.

"Who's there?" An old lady voice answered.

"Uhm.. Is Mrs. Helena Gordon home?" Taehyung asked.

"I am Helena Gordon." An old lady appeared in the stairs.

She looks pretty old, like 50's? Or maybe 60's. She wears her ordinary clothing.

"Uhm good morning Mrs. Gordo----"

"What do you want?" -_-

I was shock for her sudden talking so Taehyung caressed my hand and talk for me instead.

"Uhm were here for some reason Mrs. Gordon."

"What reason?"

"We need to know about Samantha.. Samantha Lurkins." I said.

She was shocked for a meantime but then her shock expression was turn into blank.

"No. I don't know her. You may go." Then she turn her back on us.

"Mrs. Gordon please! She cursed us!" I shouted.

She stop walking and turn to us.

"So she's back?" She said and grins.

"Maybe she need something in you." She said before walking to us.

She held my free hand and look me in the eyes.

"I can see her....." she said.

She caressed my cheeks and look me in the eyes again.

"In you. She's connected with you. You need to cut that connection Jennie. She needs to stop." How? How can she know my name?

"You need to know what she wants in you. You need to break the curse. You and only you can do it, well ofcourse with the help of your friends."

"I'll give you 30 days to fight the curse Jennie. You need to be strong. After 30 days, come back here with the tape. We will end this curse."

She said before she shooed us out of her house.

30 days? That's a long time. Can I? Can I fight Samantha back?


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