Cursed 14 🌸

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I throw my bag on the floor and my body on the bed. Another one tiring day for me.

It's been 3 days since Jennie ran away. We're all back to Seoul and ive been looking for her 3 days now but still no trace of her.

"Hyung?" Kookie knocked on my door and peeked.


"Dinner is ready." He said and sit next to me.

"Yeah yeah. Just give me five minutes to rest." I said while my eyes close.

"Uhm hyung.. I..." He stuttered. I think he want to say something but he can't.

"What?" I opened my eyes and look at him.

"Nothing. Just come down and eat dinner." He said not looking at me and leave.


I got up from bed and look at myself in the mirror. I look like a ghost. Dark circle's under my eyes, stressed face. Wow! Is this me?? Psh! Stupid ofcourse it's you! The ugly one. I turn my heels and was about to walk out when...


Whatthefck! What was that? Who called me?

"Looking for Jennie?" I heard a voice coming from the mirror infront of me.

I turned my head to the mirror and sht! There's a face in the mirror! A girl's face for Jimin's jams sake!!!

I turned my head to the mirror and sht! There's a face in the mirror! A girl's face for Jimin's jams sake!!!

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"Who.. Who are you?!" I shouted at her.

Im scared. I admit it. Even im a man, I still have the things im afraid of.

"Aww you forget me that fast? Im disappointed." She said and gave me a creepy sad face.


"Oh yes! It's me... again." Then she smirks.

I swear! She's fckin my whole day now! Im not sure of im going to look at that mirror again.

"What do you want?! Jennie is missing and everyone is fckin worry about her. Isn't that enough?!" I burst in anger. Fck her. Fck her stupid dead soul!

"Nope. I want her dead." My eyes grew big upon hearing her statement.

"If I were you? Im going to lay my eyes on everything around me. Someone's keeping a secret. Someone you trust the most." Then she giggle while fading in the mirror.

What does she mean? Is she scaring me? Im fckin confused rn. Damn you dead woman!

I sat on my bed because of frustration. This is too much for us, especially for Jennie. I wonder if she's okay.



Hungry. Hungry. Hungry!!!! Aurgh! I look like a beggar starving to death here. Why did I ran away again? Oh yeah, to save my friends especially Yoongi oppa. Im not trying to be sarcastic okay?

"Aurgh! Im starving!!!!!!!" I sat on the bench here in the Park.

Im now back in Seoul and I spent all my money to the train fare and such. I just want them to stay away from me. Maybe they're still in Daegu searching for me. Well, I hope they give up on searching.


I look up and saw a handsome guy smiling at me. Wait? Me??

"Uhh me?" I unconsciously said.

"Uhh yeah. Obviously." Then he giggles.

Oh my gad! He's so handsome. I miss Taehyung already. Wait! Why am I missing that man? Erase! Erase! >.<

"Oh sorry. I thought it wasn't me." I said shyly and bow down my head.

"Uhm I heard you're starving? Here take this."

I smelled hotdog so I look up to him and he's handing me his hotdog sandwich.

"Uhm no thanks. It's yours, you're the one who supposed to eat it."

"Nah. Im full, you eat this. You're starving right?"

I look at him like he's an angel from heaven sent by God to give me a hotdog sandwich. A delivery angel I guess.

I reach out the hotdog and bite unto it Damn! It taste heaven. Everything taste heaven for a starving person.

"Thank you!" I said between my munch.

"Hahahaha you're welcome." He sat beside me and watch me eat.

Minutes later I finished my hotdog and he handed me a bottled water.

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

"You're again welcome." He smiled.

"Oh by the way. Im Taeyong." He reach out his hand to me.

Taeyong? Sounds like the name of a person I was missing so much.

"Taehyung..." I whispered unconciously.

"And you are?"

"Uhm, Im Jennie." And I reached out her hand.



"Uhm hyung.. I..." I stuttered. I want to tell him something but I remember what she said.

"What?" He opened his eyes and look at me.

"Nothing. Just come down and eat dinner." I said not looking at him and leave.

Jennie noona? Am I doing right? Please forgive me if I spit it out accidentally. But I promise to keep our secret as long as I can.

I sighed and shove that thoughts away. It's stressing me out. I just walk down the stairs to eat dinner.


Sorry for the pic. For those who are reading this in the middle of the night. Late sorry 😂✌ I want to do it more scarier.

Ps. More revelations are cominggg~
Pps. Taejen or Jenyong?


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