Cursed 13 🌸

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I heard my name shouted by my brother after I ran off the room.

I can't take it anymore. Im a burden. If it wasn't for me, they're all living in peace right now. I think I'll just do this alone.

I entered my room and locked the door. After I locked the door, I slide down and cried. I hope crying can ease the pain but I guess it will not. I know what I have to do.

I stand up and grab the bag beside my bed. I opened my closet and grab the clothes I will be needing. I also changed my clothes from a dress to a ripped jeans, black hoodie over a white shirt, a cap and vans. I need to be comfy for my trip.

After I packed my things up. I sat on my bed and wait untill it was dark. While waiting someone knocked on the door.

"Unnie?" I heard Lisa's voice.

"Unnie, are you in there?" I didn't bother to answer so I waited if she go away but she didn't.

"Unnie, I know you're now blaming yourself for what happened to Rosé but to tell you, it's not your fault unnie. We insist to help you even if you don't want us to." She explained.

"Unnie please be strong. We're here for you. No one will left behind. I love you unnie." She said and after that I heard his foot steps fading away.

I love you too Lisa that's why im leaving.

After hours of waiting, finally it was dark outside. I checked my bedside clock and it's already 8 PM. So I grab my bag and jumped out of the window.

I know it's a stupid idea to run away but this is the only way I can save them. To be far away from them. I hope they'll understand. I hope they don't bother to look for me. Im going to fight this alone.



I checked my phone and it's already 8:15 PM. Wonder if Jennie's hungry? She locked herself on her room all day. Bet she's starving.

I walk up to her room and knocked on the door. But no one's answering, so I called her name again.

"Jennie? Are you in there?" I said for the 3rd time now. But still no one's answering. Im a bit worried now. What if something stupid came into her mind and... No! She woudn't probably do that.

I decided to knock on Yoongi hyung's room instead to ask for the spare key in Jennie's room. He asked why but I just said I need to talk to her so he gave it to me. Again, I walk to her room and opened it but to my shock, her room was a mess!

Her closet is open and clothes scattered around. Her bed sheet is not in it's proper location instead it's on the window hanging and the fcking window is open!

"HYUNG!!!!" I shouted then Yoongi hyung came first.

"What? What happened?! Where's Jennie?!" He asked worriedly.

"Hyung! Jennie ran away!" I yelled.

No this can't be! Jennie, why did you do that?! Aurgh!

"Let's go find her." Jungkook said.

I hurriedly run to mine and Kookie's room and grab some jacket. I quicly run downstairs and they are all in their jackets too.

"Let's go." Yoongi hyung lead the way.


"Guys can't we take a rest?! We're roaming around Daegu for 4 fcking hours now!" Rosé whined.

"I agree." Jhope hyung also said and sat down on the pavement.

It's 12:30 AM now but we can't still find Jennie. We almost roam half of Daegu. We look on every dark alleys and hotels she can book in but we failed. There are no trace of her.

"Where did she go?!" Yoongi hyung is so stressed up now. For 4 hours he's just blaming his self for Jennie's action.

"This is my fault! If I just followed her, maybe she's with us now but damn! She's missing!" Yoongi hyung grab his hair in frustration.

I walk towards him and put my hands on his shoulder.

"Hyung, it's not your fault. It's no one's fault. Okay?" I smiled at him.

"Aish! Jennie, where are you?" He again said.



After I ran away. I'm now walking to no where. Actually im starving.

My feet lead me to a convenient store. So I checked my purse if do I have some money. Lucky me, I have 21241.80 won or 20 dollars. Silly me, I ran away but I didn't bring enough money. I wanna punch myself rn.

I push the glass door of the store and entered. I pick up shin ramyun and put some hot water in it after I paid it.

I sat down and eat it up. After I finished eating, I hurriedly exited the store.

So again, I walk and walk. I don't know where to go. That's what it feels when you run away from home right? I have my reason and that is to save my friends.

"This is my fault! If I just followed her, maybe she's with us now but damn! She's missing now!" Is that Yoongi oppa?

I hurriedly hide against the bushes and peeked on the people sitting on the pavement. It is them. My friends, I ran away from.

I saw Taehyung stood up from the pavement and walk closer to Yoongi oppa.

"Hyung, it's not your fault. It's no one's fault. Okay?" He said and give him an assuring smile.

"Aish! Jennie, where are you?" He again said.

Im sorry guys. I can't let you help me. I just want to protect you and this is the best idea I have. Please understand me. I don't wanna lose you.

I tiptoed to walk away from bushes and then I turn my back on them. See you again guys. If i'll see you again. Please be careful.

While walking, a tear fell from my eyes.


1003 words 👏👏

Im inlove with Yoongi 😍
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