Cursed 4 🌸

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It's been three weeks since we went to the mental hospital where Samantha was onced confined. Everything went smooth, that ghost thing didn't bother us for 3 weeks now, so I guess everything's fine.

"Hyung! Ppali!" I came back from reality when I heard Jungkook's voice. He's with the other boys and the girls too.

"Coming!" I shouted back.

It was break so we're walking to the cafeteria to grab some lunch. Ive been losing weight this past few days, I need to gain weight again. I look like a chicken. A chicken with gums.

"Hyung!" I was startled because of J-hope's shout.

"What?!" I shouted back.

"You're dozing off."

Am I?

"Your food is now cold hyung. Do you have a plan to eat it?" Jimin asked.

I look at their food and WOW, they're almost finish. Am I really dozing off? that long?

I hurriedly eat up my food before they finish. I just shove it all in my mouth. I don't care if I choke. I need to catch up with them. I don't want them to leave me behind!

After we ate lunch, we seperately made our way to our own classes.

"Oppa? You okay?" Jennie asked.

If you asked. Jennie is my half sister in my mom. When I first met her, I thought she will hate me but she didn't. She's a great girl. She's an ideal one. I loved her more than myself and I will protect her no matter what. She's the only family I have.

"Im okay Nini. Don't worry, okay?" I said as I flash an assuring smile on my face and I put my hands around her shoulders.

She just chuckle and didn't speak after that. In 3 weeks, she's doing better. The fear was once there, I think it's now vanished. She's strong, not physically but emotionally and I can tell that.

We arrived at our class. The lesson just go on and on and on and finally! It's dissmissal!!

"AHH! FINALLY!" I cheer as I stretch my arms up to the air.

"Did you even listen to Mrs. Choi?" She chuckingly said.

"Uhh o-ofcourse I do!" I defended.

But to be honest I was just sleeping the whole afternoon. I can't help it! Im always sleepy so what's new?

After that, they invited me to join them to a newly opened cafe down the street but I refused. I need to staple the papers Mrs. Choi gave me cause she caught me sleeping in her class.

After im done, I made my way to the admin's office and look for Mrs. Choi but the room was empty so I just put it on her table.

When I was ready to leave the room, the lights turned off.

"Sh*t!" I cursed in no time! I search for the switch and when I found it, I turn the lights on.

And to my surprise, a little girl standing infront of the door glaring at me.

"S-samantha?" I stutterly asked.

"Stay away from her." She said.

"Why? Who? Jennie?"

"Stay away from her." She again said and slowly walk towards me, wait no! She's fcking floating!

"Why? Why would I stay away from my sister?!"

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!" She screamed and her mouth open wide 5x bigger than it's usuall and it's fcking creepy! I almost peed in my pants!

"No! Just let her go Samantha! LET HER GO!" I fearlessly shouted at her and he come towards me faster than the wind.

And before I can shout for help, everything's went blurry.


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