Cursed 6 🌸

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"I'll go with you." I said before she could exit the room.

"No need Tae, I can handle myself." She refused.

"Knowing you? You can't." I said and walk out of the room to end that nonesense chitchat.

I waited for her to walk out of Yoongi hyung's room. She shut the door with a smuggled face.

"What happened to your face Jennie?" I teased her. I know it's about what I said earlier.

"Shut up."

She coldly said and walk pass me. I wanted to laugh my ass out because of her expression but on the second thought, I love my life.

I followed her untill she exited the building.

"Hey, where are you going?" I asked her when she walk pass the parking area.

"Im going on my own!"

"Oh c'mon Jennie." I grab her arm and pull her towards my car.

"Yah! Get your hand off me!!"

"No." This time she stops. I used my cold and deep voice that I don't often use.

She let me pull her to my car quietly. Bet she's shocked of my tone lately. Now I know how to tame her. [/evil laugh;

"We're here." I announced.

She hurriedly got out of the car without taking a glance on me. That's rude.

I followed her inside. Her mother is sitting on the sofa with some boxes and papers scattered on the center table.

"What's with the sudden call mom?"

"Oh you brought someone. Is he your boyfriend?" Her mom said totally ignoring what she ask.

"No, he's my pet." What the?!

"You're rude Jennie." Her mom said then chuckled.

"Good day Mrs. Kim. Im Taehyung, Jennie's friend." I greeted her with my usual sweet boxy smile.

"Nice to meet you Taehyung." She said and patted my head. What am I? A dog?

"So mom. What's all this?" Jennie asked referring to all the papers scattered on the center table.

"This? Well, when I was cleaning the attic, I found Samantha's old records in her mental hospital 20 years ago. I didn't know that I stored it in the attic. This may help."

Jennie and I started to look on the papers. Hospital bills, health records and some pictures.

"This one's creepy." Jennie said while looking at a picture. There's two girls in the picture, one is smiling wide while the other is just glaring at the camera. It was black and white so it's really creepy.

"Im the one who's smiling and Samantha is the one who's glaring." Mrs. Kim spoke up.

"You two really is close when you were little?" Jennie asked.

"Super close but then one day she changed. She doesn't talk to me nor walk out of her room. She became quiet. One time I visited her in her room, she was sitting on her mini coffee set while talking to someone. She noticed that I entered her room so she turn her head to see me and said "Hi there Sahara, come join us." I immediately run because she was alone that time but she said us." Damn.

"Is it a mental illness or a paranormal thing?" I asked.



"What take them so long?" Jungkook whines.

We're waiting for the three boys (namjoon, jimin and jhope) to come back for they buy us some food.

"Those slow worms! Aurgh!" Rose whines too.

"What can a hungry person can do?" Yoongi suddenly asked.

"Kill." Rose's eyes became dark. Oh no.

"Yeah. I'll kill those three little worms." Jungkook again whines.

"You look awful Jungkook. You ain't cute." Lisa.

"Yeah whatever."

He always loses with Lisa or maybe he doesn't like arguing with Lisa at all. That's love tsk tsk.

Lisa was about to say something when the door swang open like it was kicked from the outside.

"What's that?!" Jin.

"Uhh door?" Yoongi.

"C'mon disabled man, im serious."

"Disabled your ass."

"Guys! Stop it okay?" Rosé

I stood up from my sit and walk towards the door. Who's that bastard who kicked the door?! Is he insane?!

I peek outside but there's no one in the hallway, it's passed 8 in the evening so it's understandable.

I was about to close the door but a thing caught my attention. A black box. It's on the ground. It has a gold ribbon.

"What's that?" Lisa asked when she saw the box on my hand.

"I don't know, I just saw it there. I think someone have must left it."

I put the box on Yoongi's side table. I don't want to open it. It's not mine so whatever's inside of it, I don't care.

"Please guys don't open it. It may---- JUNGKOOK!"

"What? Im curious!" He said while opening the box.

Seconds later after he open the box, his eyes grew big. It's like he saw a ghost or something..

"What's inside?" Lisa also peeked at the box. Aish this two.

"Guys I think you want to see this." Jungkook shakily handed me a PICTURE?!

And when I saw what it was, I almost passed out.

It was a picture of us here in Yoongi's room, same position but odd is there was drops of blood on it.

"What the actual fck?!" Yoongi.

"Someone's playing with us." Rosé smirks.

"She's playing with us." Jin added.


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