Cursed 24 🌸

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"You cant save them. I can."

She run away from me. What does she mean? She can save my friends from Samantha? How?

I run after her cause I doubt that she can save Jin hyung.

But I lost her. I find a way to reach them. I followed Jin hyung's voice and it lead me to the opposite end of Mrs. Kim. Jennie's back facing me.


Hi Sahara, im death." Jennie said.

No. No. Jennie dont kill your mom! She ran to Mrs. Kim holding her knife. She motion the knife like she's going to stab her.

I can't let her do this. I need to stop her!

I ran to her. Thank God I catch up with her. I hold her wrist and stole the knife.

"Samantha stop this!"

"No! Youre the one who needs to stop! Stop interrupting my plan!"

"Stop using Jennie! Use me instead."

After I said that I saw Jennie's red eyes are slowly turning into black again.

"Taehyung no. Dont.. It's our family conflict. Stay away from this plea---- GO AWAY!" After she said that her eyes turn into red again. She's still there.

A strong force releases by Samantha. I saw myself flying towards the other end of the hallway.




Jin hyung shouted.

"She's not Jennie, Jin. She's obviously possesed by Samantha! C'mon thunderhead!" Jisoo unnie stated. Even thou in this serious situation the still fought.

Jennie. I hope you can do this. Were still here to protect you.


*3rd person's pov*

"Samantha stop! Stop using my daughter. Just take me with you!" Mrs. Kim shouted at her twin evil sister.

"As you wish twinny." Samantha said with the voice of Jennie while holding a knife.

She ran to her twin and as Mrs. Kim, she was just closing her eyes and ready to die.

But before Samantha arrived at her twin's location she stopped.

"Mom! Im sorry! I cant do this anymore!"

"SAMANTHA! If you think revenge is the best thing? Youre wrong! Stop using me. Stop implicate anyone. If you really need mom do it yourself! Im tired! I have nothing to do with this but still I suffered!" Jennie said while her tears are rolling down her cheeks.

"You betrayed me Jennie! Youre just like your mom!" Samantha's voice echoed from somewhere.

Then a knife flew to Jennie and it stab her right in the heart.

"NOOOOOOO!" Taehyung shouted.....


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