Cursed 12 🌸

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After what happened to Hoseok oppa at the Hostpital, we decided to go home and rest. It's a long day after all.

"Ahh! Atlast!" Rosé said as she slam her body on the sofa.

I also sat beside her and rest my head on her shoulder. She caressed my hair.

"It's okay unnie. We can fight this together." She said and I can feel that she rest her head on my head too.

Aww. Im very thankful I have my friends with me. If not, maybe im dead now. Im not a fighter, maybe on the first battle I already lost.

"Aww! I'll give you too a hug!" Jisoo unnie awed and came closer to us and give us a warm and assuring hug.

"Don't leave me!" Lisa said running and hug us too.

"I love you guys." I said and smiled.

"We love you too Jenjen." They said in unison as they tightened the hug.

"Ew cheesy." Jungkook

"Tsk girls girls girls." Yoongi oppa.

"Oh c'mon! You guys are.. aurgh!" Lisa tantrumms as she walked to her room.

We all laugh at her reaction. Lol Lisa. You're still our childish baby.

"Guys!!! I brought pizza!!!" Jin oppa said as he opened the door with Taehyung and Namjoon oppa.

Jin oppa have 3 boxes of pizzas in his hand while Taehyung have the soda's and Namjoon oppa have the desserts which is ice creams!! Yum!

"Whoo!! This is life!" Hobi oppa shouted as he run to Jin oppa and grab the pizzas in his hand.

When he act, is like there's nothing creepy happened to him this morning. That's right Hobi oppa. Just think possitive. We're all can do it! Hwaiting!!

[Day 5]


To: Nini

Hey! Where are you?

Sent ✔

From: Nini
Here at the cafe.

To: Nini

With whom?

Sent ✔

From: Nini

With Taehyung

Taehyung? I thought Taehyung is still asleep. So as you can see well I mean read, im texting Jennie. Why? When I wake up, I saw them at the kitchen arguing on something and it's cereals and I noticed that Jennie wasn't around so I askes Jin hyung where's Jennie and he said 'Oh she left early.' The end. Thank you.

To: Nini

Prove it. Give me a picture of Taehyung.

Sent ✔

From Nini:

He's taking selfies.

He's taking selfies

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To: Nini

Uhuh. Im satisfied. Take care you two.

Sent ✔

From: Nini

We will oppa :*

I put down my phone and walk to the Kitchen. Thank goodness they stop arguing on the cereals. They just look so stupid. It's cereals bruh.

I open the ref and get some milk. What? Me and Nini loves milk. We're siblings, don't be surprised.

"HYUNG! NOONA!!" I almost choked in my milk because of Jungkook's yelling.

"What?! What happened?!" Jin hyung met Jungkook at the end of the stairs.

"Chaeyoung!!! I think she's possesed!" He looks like a child reporting his bad dreams to his mom. Why am I like this in serious matters?

"What?!" Jisoo shouted and dash off upstairs.

We also followed her. But when we reach the second floor. We don't know where did she go.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!" We heard Jisoo screamed so we run towards the place where the shout came from.

We open the door and we find Chaeyoung choking Jisoo.

"ROSÉ!!!" I shouted.

She turn around to see us. She looked at me like she's gonna kill me.

"Don't come near me or else..." She grab the knife and pointed it on Jisoo's neck while hugging her behind.

"Im going to kill your friend." She continued. Her voice is combined with girl and boy also a little girls'.

"Rosé, she's your friend too." Lisa said almost tearing up.

"Samantha." I said and she looked at me.

"Stop this." I continued.

"NO! This is the payment for helping Jennie! She need to be punished! But because of all of you, little by little my plans are not getting fulfill!"

"Punished? What did I do Samantha? You we're dead already before I was born. Now tell me, why?!" Jennie?

I turn my head to the entrance of the room. There's Jennie standing and Taehyung is behind her.

"I texted her." Jimin whispered.

"HAHAHAHA! You're still clueless Jennie. But letting your friends to help you is a big mistake. I let you go this time but prepare for my comeback Jennie. Prepare." She said and slowly leaving Chayoung's body.

She collapsed on the floor while Jisoo catch her. Lisa run to them and hugged Rosé while crying. Everyone except me are now checking if Chaeyoung is okay.

I look at my sister's face. She's looks down. Knowing her, she's now blaming herself because of what happened to Chaeyoung.

"Nini.." Before I could say anything she run off the room.



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