Cursed 18 🌸

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[Day 18]


Im with Taehyung since he fetch me from the park. It's been three days since that traumatic incident but im over it now.

He rented an apartment away from the boy's (bangtan) and the girl's (Bp) dorm for me to hide from them.

Jungkookie helps us to hide our secrets to anybody. He's the one responsible for reasoning why does Taehyung doesnt come home sometimes because he's with me.

I promised him to be with him no matter what happened. I promised him to fight with him. I promised him we will fight this cursed together and I have no plan to break that promises.

"Jenjen, come eat." He put some pizza's on the center table here in the living room.

"Thanks." I said and grab some slice.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Maybe he notice that ive been down all day.

"Uh yeah. Im just thinking if my mom's okay."

"You know? I can visit her." He said that brightens my mood.

"Really?!?! Can you told her I missed her so damn much?!"

"I can but you can't see her."

"Oh yeaah." Then my mood before came back.

"Jennie, it's okay. Soon everything will be back to what it is. Trust me."

I nod at him and smiled.
I hope so...



"Jungkook im talking to you! Don't turn your back at me!!"

Ahhh! This hyung is very annoying!

"Yes hyung I know!"

"Ahh! Can you talk back to me now?! Youre still a young man Kookie!"

"Oh c'mon."

"Answer me!!! Where is Taehyung?!"

"Like I said, he went on shopping!!!! Why don't you believe me?!"

I lied and sat on the couch exhausted. Why can't they believe my lies?! It's not a bad lies, it's all white lies!!! Im not doing this just for me, im doing this for everyone!!

"Because you're not a good liar." Jin hyung sit next to me.

I let out a big sigh and closed my eyes. Im tired of this. I lied everyday to proctect Jennie unnie. But I need to do this.

"Im telling the truth hyung! Please! Believe me!"

"Ok ok. I believe you now. But if I find out you lied. I swear I can kill you Kookie."

I let out a heavy sigh again. When will this end?

I stood up from my sit and walk to my room. I throw myself to bed and closed my eyes.

"You're lying."

"Aaahhhh!! Hyung! Aish! You scared me!"

Aish this smol hyung!!!!

"Yah! Kookie. I know you're lying."

"Im not!"

"I know you. I know when you're lying. Now tell me, where's Taehyung."

"I told you he go for a shopping!!"

"Shopping? That early? He left the house 6 AM Kookie! The Malls isn't open yet!"

I went silent. He's right. Aish! Why am I so dumb?!

"If you can fool the hyungs. Well, you can't fool me."

Am I going to tell this hyung our secret? Aish! This leave me no choice.

"Ok, I'll tell you the truth."

He sat beside me. "Ok, shoot."

"Just please don't tell the hyungs and please don't freak out!"

"Ok ok."

"We found Jennie noona and she's with Taehyung hyung in an apartment."

"WHA-----ampff." Before he could shout I covered his mouth.

"Shh!! I told you don't freak out!" I shouted at him almost whisper.

"Ok ok. Let me go!"

I let go of him.

"So, how is she?"

"I can tell that she became thin that much but still pretty."

"Aish! I miss Jenjen already! I wanna see her!"

"We can't hyung!"

His eyes rise up. "And why?"

"Samantha's gonna kill us. She said if we laid an eye on Jennie. She will hunt us. That's why Jennie noona ran away."

"But why Taehyung?"

"I don't know either hyung."

That's also a mystery to me. If Samantha said that we can't see Jennie noona cause she will kill us but why Taehyung hyung can?

Maybe that was just a threat? Or maybe Samantha just finding her time to attack?


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