Cursed 10 🌸

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I was roaming around the old hospital alone for they eat at the nearby fast food chain.

I was really really curious of what happened here 20 years ago. She killed half of the patients here? Seriously? Half?!

I entered the wrecked door of the hospital. It was all wrecked. Paint are all fading, glass windows are broken and it really looks so messy and creepy.

I walk to the hallway of the hospital and fck it was really really creepy!!

I walk to the hallway of the hospital and fck it was really really creepy!!

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Even thou it's creeping me out, I still walk in the hallway. Cold wind blowing my hair. I peeked in every room I passes and it has the patient's name on the doors. I assume that maybe I can see Samantha's name on a door.

After so many door passes. I finally saw her name on a door and her room is way way far from others. Bet she's really that scary then.

I opened the door and roam around her room. She has a single bed beside the wall and the wall was drawn with black crayons. The drawings was people, people who's like watching her while she sleeps.

 The drawings was people, people who's like watching her while she sleeps

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"Are you lonely Miranda?"

My hairs all stood up upon hearing that voice. Sht she's here.

I turn my head to see who's she's talking with. She's standing next to the window with a doll in her hand.

"But im not lonely Miranda. Im with them." After she said that she turn her head looking at the bed beside me and pointing at the drawings on the wall.

"How about you? Are you lonely Jennie?" She said then smiled.

"No... no.." I stuttered.

"Maybe not now but you will be lonely Jennie. I swear." She said and slowly walking towards me.

No. I need to run but why can't I? It's like my feet was stoned. I can't move.

"I'll kill your friends. I'll kill the persons who are close to you." She said and smile sweetly.

"NO!!!" After I shouted, I gain my energy and run.

I run and run but why does it feels like I was just running in the same place?

"Samantha please! Let me go!!"

"Hihihihi. I'll never let you go Jennie." I can hear her voice but damn! I can't see her.

I pick up my phone and dialed someone's number.

['Hello?'] Thank God! Someone answered.

"H-hello?! Please help me. It's Jennie.."

['Nini?! Where are you?!'] It's Yoongi Oppa.

"Im in the abandoned Hospital. Oppa help m----"

Before I could say more my phone just flew away from me.

"Nah ah. Don't let your friends go near you Jennie. I might kill them."

"No! I'll proctect them! I will!!!"

"Let's see how long can you protect them." She said and by that she appeared in front of me holding a knife.

"Ah!!!" I screamed in pain after she putted a small cut on my arm.

I gathered up all my remaining energy to stand up and run away. After minutes of running, I finally saw the exit.

I opened the door and bumped into someone.

"Jennie are you okay?" Oh thank goodness it's my brother.

"Yeah im fine."

"Sht your bleeding!" He shouted.

They took me to the nearest Hospital here in Daegu.

"Are you now feeling okay?" Taehyung asked.

"Yeah. Im fine."

"Jennie, can you tell us what happened?"

Should I tell them? Tell them that Samantha is gonna kill them? No. Not now.

"Nothing much. I just trip on a peice of wood." I lied.

"Trip? That cause?" Jimin oppa said pointing to my wound.

"Uhm long story." Lie! Lie! Lie!

I don't want them to know. The less they know, the safer they get. They're important to me. I can't take it if Samantha's gonna kill them. It's better if i'll fight alone.

"So let's go?" I said.

"Where?" Rosé



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