Cursed 3 🌸

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"She's here"

*Jennie's POV*

After I said that something fell down in the kitchen again.

"What the hell is that?" Jimin oppa asked.

"Go check it." Namjoon oppa.

"No way! I love my life!" Jimin oppa retorted.

They continue to fought untill I saw Rosé walking to the kitchen. When she's at the door way, she stand still.

"Guys enough! Look there's no fcking ghost he------ Aaaaaahhhh!"

She didnt finish her words for the ghost grab her foot and drag her inside the kitchen.

"Rosé!!" Jimin shouted and run towards the kitchen. Everyone did too but I sit still.

I need to found out what's happening. What happened to her. What she need from me. I know, im the one she need. But why? What?

"Unnie!!!!!!" I came back from my thoughts because of Lisa's scream.

I saw her running towards me. Before I could speak, I pushed her. Then flying knives coming to me. I stand still. I think this is the best. I closed my eyes and waited for the knives dug unto my flesh.

"Jennie!!!" I heared someone shouted.

"Are you crazy?!" I opened my eyes and saw Taehyung's face. He pushed me down. His eyes are dull and full of anger.

"Im not!! Im trying to save you!!" I shouted at him after I stood up.

"Trying to save us by killing yourself?! That's ridiculous!" He shouted again and grab his hair.

"I am the key why is she here. I am the reason why she's hurting me, hurting all of us!"

"What do you mean unnie?" Lisa asked.

Then a flash back came into my mind.


I was in my room and it's 10 Pm. I was just scrolling through my news feed when I heard a loud bam downstairs. At first I ignored it but minutes later I glass crash was heard so I get up and take a glance at Jisoo unnie who was sleeping soundlessly.

I make my way downstairs and for my mistake there was girl standing in the doorway to the Kitchen.

"Who are you? H-how did you get here?" Yes, im scared.

"I am you. You are me. We are connected." She answered with her creepy yet sweet voice.

End of flashback

"So the two of you are connected? It means when you kill yourself she will disappear?" Namjoon oppa stated.

"Yes. I need to kill myself to save you guys." I answered almost crying.

"But why did she hurt you when you are her only connection to this world?" Suga oppa.

"That's right. If she needs you, she'll protect you." Hobi oppa.

"What do you mean?" Jisoo unnie.

"I think there's an another way how to get rid of that b*tch." Namjoon oppa.

"Then, we need to know how." Taehyung oppa stated after being quiet for a while.


"Mom?" I greeted.

['Yes baby? Why did you call?']

"Mom, can I ask you something?"

['Sure honey. What is it?']

"Do you know a girl named Samantha? Samantha Lurkins?"

She became silent for a while before speaking again.

['So, she's back?'] She asked in a very serious tone.

"Do you know her mom?"

['Honey stay away from her!']

"Why mom? What's her connection to us?"

['She's my twin sister. Im Sahara Lurkins before I change my name.']


"Are you guys sure about this?!" Rosé said while tugging on Jimin's shirt.

"Yeah. This is the only way to find clues." Jimin said.

We're on the old mental where Samantha once confined. My mom told me the address last night on the phone. We need to ask about Samantha. About what happened to her 20 years ago.

"Uhm excuse me, can we ask about a patient here 20 years ago?" Taehyung ask the nurse.

"Oh yes sir. What's the name?" She said cutely at Taehyung. I clenched my teeth and glared at her.

"Samantha. Samantha Lurkins." I said still glaring at her.

"Im sorry ma'am but we aren't allowed to---"

"Do you know her? Samantha?" A doctor between 50's cut the nurse off. Good for you.

"Yes. I know her." I said.

"Come with me." He said and motion us to follow him.

We arrived at a small clinic like room. It was all white and a bit creepy to say that this is a mental hospital.

"So uhm Doctor, do you know any data about Samantha?" I asked.

"Yes, a lot. Im the one who's incharge to cure her 20 years ago."

"Great! So what happened to her?!" Hobi oppa asked.

"After 20 years of searching the answer. Everything is a mess."


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