3✨. at last we meet

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I packed the final items into my bag, before zipping it up. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my trembling hands. Why am I shaking? I think to myself, now paying close attention to my hands. I've never been scared before, why now? I clasp my hands together, and stop the shaking. I sigh in relief and grab my bag, throwing it over my shoulders as I head out the door.

I walk down the steep road, kicking away rocks and dead leaves that had piled up on the way. I feel myself start to shiver again and I stop and pull out the spare jacket I had packed, I pull it on with a huff. The shaking doesn't stop. I ignore it and continue walking, chills start to run up and down my spine as the house comes into view. I get weird feeling in my gut, a warning, but I ignore it as well and trudge over to the gate. The steel feels rusted and old underneath my hand, I cringe at the touch and make my way into the yard.

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I take it in

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I take it in. The mansion, the decaying fence, the broken stone path, the wooden door, barred windows, another warning goes off in my head, ignored again.

I creep over to the fence, trailing my fingers over it, the paint peels away as my nails scrape against it

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I creep over to the fence, trailing my fingers over it, the paint peels away as my nails scrape against it. Leaves crunch under my boots as my fingers follow the length of the fence. I stop when I see small letters carved into the fence. R.R. I smile, thinking of the boy, the reason I came back. R.R? Huh. I recall, silently thinking of names that would fit with the initials. Ronald? Roger? Ran- My thoughts are interrupted by a sharp snap. I swirl around, heart beating in my chest. "Hello?" I call out, hoping, expecting a reply. I don't get one. I push away the thoughts telling me to turn back, and make my way to where the sound came from. I find myself behind the mansion, by the bushes where the boy had been my heart beats hard in my chest as I approach the bushes, a soft breeze cards it's way through my hair. I shiver slightly, looking into them. Disappointment crosses my face. I sigh and turn away from the bushes, just as a small rock hits the ground next to me. I look up, confused and curious. A smile creeps onto my face. There he is. Sitting on a worn down bench, on the side of the rusted mansion, a scowl on his face. "What are you doing here?" he asks, a hint of anger seeps into his question. I look down, asking myself the same question. Why was I here? To see the boy? To see the house? I think about lying to him, telling him I'd lost my way, heard a sound, investigated. But that wouldn't work, would it? He'd seen me before. So I decide to tell the truth. I look up at him, a scowl is still set on his face. "I came to see you." I reply, and he furrows his eyebrows, he looks taken aback by my confession. "Why? What do you want? Who are you?" he asks, the scowl slipping off his face, revealing his soft features, I can't help but stare. Only when he grunts and turns away is when, I notice I've stared to long. I clear my throat softly. "Can I sit?" I ask, motioning to the bench he was on. He looks around swiftly, soft brown eyes scanning the yard, before he scoots over hesitantly. I walk over and take a seat, the bench creaks under my weight. He smirks. My heart thumps in my chest. "I like scary things." I say suddenly, and he looks confused. "That's why I'm here." I explain. "It excites me. My friend said this place-" I stop to motion towards the house. "-was haunted. We came to check it out. Then we saw you and you had a camera, and I had so many questions, but then you disappeared, I thought you were a ghost. So I came back." I finish, and he laughs, a bubbly feeling settles in my chest as I laugh with him. "Well I'm not, a ghost that is. But-" he says, looking at me hard. "You can't be here, it's- it's not safe." I frown and he sighs. "Forget it. Just go, this is my home and you can't be here." I open my mouth to reply, but my words are halted by a crash from inside. The boy pales, he stares me down. "Go." he says, his voice shaking. I could practically see the fear coming off of him. "What was that?" I ask, letting my curiosity get the better of me. He shakes his head and starts push me to the gate. He stops suddenly, and the front door opens. "Georgie!" A scratchy, gruff voice, calls out. A chill runs down my spine. I hear an animalistic growl come from the doorway. "Where are you?" It continues, I hear door open wider but I'm pulled back before I can see the person, talking. The boy is trembling, fresh tears threatening to spill, as he puts his finger to his lips, telling me to be quiet. Leaves crunch nearby and he grabs me again. He uncovers a tiny hole and pushes me into it. I almost scream, but I keep it in biting my tongue as I slide down this pipe-type hole. It's smooth, and slick. A slight shimmer sparkles off it's brownish-bronze color. It's a slide, a pipe as well. I land with a thump into a small room, covered with books, shelves on shelves overflowing with books.

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I could feel my mouth hang open as I looked around the room

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I could feel my mouth hang open as I looked around the room. Amazing. I'm snapped out of my daze when the boy lands on top of me groaning slightly, before jumping up, fuming. "Why don't you listen?" he begins, pulling me up. "Are you thick?" he goes on pushing me backwards, I stumble slightly, before regaining my posture and shooting him a glare. "Why didn't you go? I'll be punished." he pleads, pulling at his hair. I frown, and take a step toward him. "What do you mean? Who was that?" I ask, shivering at the memory of the course and deep voice. He shakes his head. "You wouldn't understand." A thump comes from above. "I gotta get you out of here."

I kinda like this book so far. I'll put music in later in the book but aayy this chapter is longer. I added more detail too and pics.~☁🌺

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