Together Again

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Thou art alive, and thou are still living.

Dallon's pov

They stopped. I couldn't believe it. I stumble out of bed and rush to my car. My fingers shake against the steering wheel and I take a moment to calm myself down. I put on my seatbelt and start the car.
I can't seem to calm myself anymore, I'm almost there and the closer I get the more excited- oh shit. I press on my brakes and lunge forward in my seat. Fuck, I almost ran a light. Calm down. Relax relax relax. I take a deep breath and stare at the light. A few minutes roll by and I'm starting to get a bit impatient. Damn, what's taking this light so long!? I think, slamming my first on the steering wheel. Beep. "Ooh shit." I hide out, jumping slightly. I check to see if anyone was watching and sure enough I catch an old woman, staring at me with a confused look and damn she probably saw my whole breakdown. This is so embarrassing. I gotta get the hell outta here.  I turn away from her and sigh in relief as the light  switches to green.


"He's taking a little long isn't he?" I ask Wade, a security guard at the facility, who rolls his eyes slightly. This has to be the twentieth time I asked him, but it's not my fault...I'm excited that's all.

"Ehh it's probably just traffic, he'll be here. After all how could he ever put off seeing his precious wittle Ryan." He teases in a baby voice, pinching my cheek softly. I duck and swat his hand away.
"Ugh stop with  the voice or I'll gag." I say, hiding the small smile that crept across my lips. I check my watch and sigh. "It's been an hour since they called for my release. You don't think something happened to him, right?" I ask, worrisome thoughts now sneaking into my head.  "Aish, Ryan stop worrying. Let's put on some TV to pass the time. I'm positive he'll be here soon." He replies, while grabbing the remote an turning on the TV.

He clicks to the news channel and I groan.  "Ugh, this is sooooo boooring can we watc- This just in, a severe crash has just occured on Highway 14, one victim slightly injured, the other killed on impact.  My stomach drops, and my words catch in my throat. Dallon was on that highway. Wade notices and rubs my back. "Hey, it's not him , I know what you're thinking and it's not him. You're going to worry yourself to death one day." I nod and give sad smile, because yeah,  I probably will. I convince my mind to be calm, but my body begs to differ. I try to hold down my legs from shaking but it's too much. I need to pace. I get up and walk back and forth, trying to calm myself.
"Where is he, where is he, where is he." I mumble to myself, biting on my already bitten down nail.
"Can you call the hospital?" I ask, he hesitates but pulls out his phone. He's about to dial when the elevator dings.

I feel my throat tighten up. This is it! The moment I've been waiting for. And for once tears of pure happiness slip from my eyes.

Dallon's p.o.v

The door to the elevator opens and I see him. My feels heavy in my chest and to be honest I might even faint.
The love of my life , who I haven't seen in approximately six months, four days, 46 hours and 12 minutes. And yes I kept track. Wouldn't you? But that's besides the point. There in front of me was the love of my life, looking beautiful as ever. I can't help but smile. Then he's in my arms and my heart almost bursts with love. "I missed you so much." He whispers against my chest and honestly I could cry, because he has no idea how long I waited just to see him out from behind the glass, to hold him again. I can't express in words, so I pull him closer. And that's how we stayed. Him in my arms. And I in his. It felt like we stayed that way forever, but I wouldn't have had it any other way.



Helloo how was that? It's a lil short and ugly but it should do hopefully. Let me know which ending you liked better.
until next time ((: mwah ■ layla♡

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