20. tu brilles toujours pour moi⛅

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|| trigger warning!!: death||
A/N this is not my best work I'm sorry I'm advance but I didn't want to get to descriptive and gory/emotional. All the love- Layla☁️

-Ryan's point of view-
(Play song while reading)

Today's the day. No more whispers. No more pain. I'm ready....I think.

"Ugh! Stuff stinks." Dallon states, scrunching up his nose. I smile slightly as Brendon slathers more of the murky substance on to Dallons face. "Oh stop complaining." Brendon says, making a face. "No, B it looks like there actual shit on my face, smells like it too." He replies with a huff. Brendon rolls his eyes and nods. "Well don't worry because I have to wear it too." He states and I furrow my eyebrows at that. "Why do you need it too?" I ask, as Spencer rubs the same substance across my chest and arms. "Well, you guys'll need it the most because if this devil- demon thing can't get to you then he'll definitely go to Dallon next. Spencer and I are only being cautious. Plus it's 'powers' only last and hour so enough questions." He explains and I nod and keep quiet until they finish. They say the spell and the substance hardens. (A/N: im too lazy to make up a spell and I'm too scared to put in a real one because I don't play with demons. not I, never that🙅)

A chill run through my veins because this is really happening, Dallon and I are going to die in less than an hour.


It's time.

I squeeze Dallons hand in mine.

We stand over the edge

Chills move throughout me.

What if it doesn't work..

"I love you."

This is it.

"I love you too."

I smile at him and squeeze tighter.

It won't work.

We jump.

I hit the road hard.

My vision is blurred.

I can still see him though.

We're still hand in hand.

His fingers are going cold.

I hear him groan in pain.

He's hurting, I want to hold him.

My body feels stuck.

He's not breathing anymore.

I shut my eyes, I cant look at him. I squeeze them shut yet it does nothing for the image of him burned into my brain.

I still see the pool of red. I still see the color draining from his body.

He's still beautiful to me.

I squeeze his hand once more, his fingers, still laced with mine are now stiff and frozen.

My head hurts as tears start to fall.

I've lost him now and forever

I told him it wouldn't work.

And It didn't. I knew it wouldn't have.

"Hey, please come back." My voice strains and pain erupts in my throat.

"Dallon. I love you. Dallon please move, please do something." I pull on his arm. He doesn't budge.

My heart feels like it's going to burst and it does. I feel the pain in my chest as darkness clouds my vision, I don't fight it, I've got nothing to fight for. I give in but not before I grab onto his hand again.

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