tell me a lie || pt.2🌹

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{trigger warning!! abuse, blood, supernatural things and gory pls skip this chap if any of that triggers you!!}

Ryan's p.o.v

I take a deep breath and slowly open the box. "This, is my dad." I say, carefully picking up the small polaroid and handing it to Dallon. He nods, inspecting the picture closely. Anger pulses through me as I eye the picture. "Is he why you're in this mess?" He asks, placing the picture back into my hands. I sigh and nod, a lump forms in my throat as memories of him cloud my brain. "He was- hitting me, I came home late, missed the bus. He didn't believe me, thought I was up doing drugs or something I guess. Spencer was there too, that was when he saved me."


My lungs constrict as I struggle to breath.
Who treats their child like this? What kind of father does this to his own son? The room starts to spin slightly as his shoe collides with my nose. Pain erupts throughout my head. I fall back against the wall, my eye swollen shut, my nose & lip busted. The tears sting, as the seep into the open cuts underneath my eye. "Please, dad i swear." I choke on my words, as the pain in ribs travels to my lungs making it hard to breathe. "George! What the hell are you doing!?" I smile in relief as Spencer runs over to me. He helps me up slowly as my dad laughs, grabbing another beer from the counter. Typical. Spencer struggles to open the door. "Get on my back, Ryan." He says softly, unwrapping his arms from around my body. "I-l can't. my ribs." He sighs and sets me against the wall. He quickly unlocks the door and flings it open. "Oh good, little Spencer saves the day! Why don't you keep the little shit this time!" My dad yells, from the doorway, before slamming the door. I can't deny that the words hurt, they hurt more than the punches and the kicks. He didn't love me.
He rejected me, disowned me and that's worse than any kick he'd given me.

||Flashback over||

I wipe my eyes quickly, I won't cry over him. Not again. "Oh god, Ryan. I'm sorry." Dallon says, he looks like he wants to cry too. I shake my head and level my breathing. "No, it- doesn't matter anymore. He's dead. I killed him." His eyes widen. "Ryan... c'mon that's not funny." He says, disbelievingly. I frown.
"I'm not laughing." I reply, watching his reaction. Fear. My eyes widen and I take his hand. "I wouldn't hurt you Dallon, I swear he deserved it. Just let me explain, why I did it." I rush out assuringly, he relaxes slightly and nods slowly, clearly still shocked at the fact that I had killed my own father.

four months after last flashback•
"I'm gonna kill him." I tell Spencer. "He can't control me, he's the one who told me to leave in the fuckin first place!" I scream, anger running through my veins.
"Ryan, please calm down. We'll get custody, I promise. We'll take him to court if we have too." He says, patting my back softly. I shake my head. "No, Spencer when she died, he made sure I'd have to stay with him. They're not going to take away his custody just because he hits me. They won't even believe me. I don't have anymore family but him." I say, already planning his death. "Ryan I'm your family. We'll run away if we have too, just please promise me you won't go near him again."  He replies, sticking out his pinky.
I smile up at him ,before locking my pinky with his. "Okay, I promise. Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I ask quietly. He shakes his head with a smile. "No, but I expect a speech right about now."  He replies, wrapping me tightly in his arms.

~flashback over~

"Spencer's mom wanted custody, I was going to be apart of their family. No more beatings, no more insults,  I was going to be loved for once in my miserable life, someone was going to actually care about me." I say, smiling softly. "She'd went and got the papers, he just needed to sign them...but he refused too. I've never seen someone fight so hard to keep something they claimed to hate. I promised Spencer I wouldn't go near him again. That's where the soul selling came in." I finish, and Dallon seems stunned, lost for words so I take a breath and start to explain.

"I watching this stupid movie, Submit or whatever the hell it was called. Anyway this boy he got into a fight and he wanted revenge, so he sold his soul and got powers from the devil or whatever, then everything was peachy, no one knew it was him either and I thought it was perfect. So I look up how to sell your soul, I went to this shop and bought a book, cost me a fortune but it was worth it because it worked."

I squirm as sticks poke into my side, hiding in a bush really wasn't the best idea, huh? I peek through the window at my dad. I watch as he opens the fridge, pulling out a beer. Anger boils inside of me. I focus on him intently and clench my fist slowly, just as I'd practiced (on a stray) earlier. Excitement fills my veins as I see him start to choke on the beer, my nails dig into my palms as I squeeze my fist tighter. He coughs violently, knuckles white from clenching the bottle. I feel like laughing, how does it feel, George? Not being able to breathe, no matter how hard you try. He coughs again, but this time blood comes out instead of air. I think back to all the times he'd hit me, how many times I'd coughed up blood and the thoughts fuel my anger as I squeeze my fist even harder ignoring the pain and the blood dripping down my wrist. He falls against the fridge, bottle dropping from his hand and crashing against the hard tile floor. He shakes slightly, before stopping and going still. My fingers ache as I unclench my fist. I watch him for a minute, before reality hits me and I run. I just killed my own father.

~flashback over~

"I thought it was over, I was officially a Smith. But I didn't feel right, deep down I knew I could never really be happy." I say softly. Dallon shakes his head. "Why? What happened?" He asks, voice quiet. I swallow the lump that was forming in my throat and close my eyes. "Everything comes with a price." I say, opening my eyes to look at him again.
"And I was yet to pay mine." I continue and he arches an eyebrow in confusion. "You see, when you sell your soul to the devil, he owns you. He makes you do things, makes you go crazy." I explain. "He wanted me to kill Spencer's mom or he'd kill her. I refused, and two days later she died. Her lungs failed. I tried everything to get out. I read that stupid damn book about a hundred times. They never work, he's always there whispering in my ear, hovering over my shoulder." I say, tears threatening to spill. Dallon moves finally and wraps his arms around me. "Is he here now?" He whispers into my ear. I look over his shoulder and my eyes meet his. He's not a person, but a shadow. Piercing red eyes stare into mine and he laughs low and deep. 'he can't save you George.' and with that he's gone. "No, he's gone." I reply, pulling away the him. "It won't work." I tell him, he shakes his head and starts to say something but I stop him. "It won't work because I tried before and here we are." I state, bowing my head. He sighs. "What's the last thing he wanted you to do?" He asks, taking my hand in his. I shake my head, tears slide down my face faster now as I recall what he/it had told me to do. "Please tell me, maybe if you do it he'll leave you alone." He says and I frown, at his stupidity. "He wants me kill someone I love." I say after a moment. "He's talking about you, Dallon. He wants me to kill you."

This chapter had me all in my feelings):

Do any of y'all believe in the devil or in ghosts, demons, etc.?

I do but only because my house is haunted. And I once saw a shadow hovering over me and it had red eyes so this is kinda based off true events except I never sold my soul and the shadow didn't talk to me.

Had to add a gif to lighten up the mood. Ryan look so cute in his hat♥ all the love~ Layla🌹

 Ryan look so cute in his hat♥ all the love~ Layla🌹

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